Rav Yaakov Yosef: Olmert Will Pay for His Actions

olmet duck.jpgRav Yaakov Yosef Shlita, a son of Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, issued a statement in an interview in the weekly “Eretz Yisroel Shelanu” that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will one day pay for his actions.

The Rav was responding to a question if he is aware to what is happening to the prime minister.

“Yesh din v’yesh dayan,” (There is law and there is a judge) he stated, and we are all accountable, but added when Hashem is angry at Am Yisroel, he placed a “blind Shepard” at the helm chas v’sholom, indicating this may be the case here too.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. I wish I had something good to say about Mr. Olmert. But I painfully say that this man ia a rasha. Simply put, he has and is letting people get hurt and killed to allow himself to stay in power.

  2. To get this guy out of power is a very simple manuver. The religious parties have to pull out of the government! But they won’t because they want the money,

  3. Instead of all the future punishments and ‘evil eyes’ given over to Olmert and cohorts, just do something realistic to end this mess.

  4. # 2 you have no idea what you are talking about. happens to be if hacham ovadia was not in the government, the state of israel would crumble and every act that the government would want to do against the charadim thay would do so because shas wouldn’t be around. So you can take your money comment and some place else.

  5. As has been our response to darkness for this entire long and brutal golus, we must respond with light. A small flame pushes away a lot of darkness!

    Spend an extra few seconds after aleinu (or al tirah) just being one with Hashem. Give an extra couple dollars to tzedakah. Study an extra blott gemara, sif shulchan oruch or a bit more chassidus/mussar. Do something to increase sholom byisroel and sholom bayis. Make HKB’H smile down on us and you will see Moshiach will be here, bepoel mamash, very soon!

    When will Klal Yisroel finally internalize that the answer to our problems is not within any political system. It’s irrelevant whether every minister in the “Israeli” government is frum or not – it is Klal Yisroel that matters and Torah that matters and most of all, the culmination of the whole seder hishtashelus, Moshiach that matters!

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