Israel: Let’s Learn from the Goyim

Rabbi Gadi Sheinin, the rav of Jerusalem’s French Hospital, explains that we must at times “take an example from the goyim (non-Jews)”.

The rabbi explains that the non-Jewish Jerusalem-hospital makes great efforts to accommodate its Jewish patients despite being a Catholic institution. About 80% of the medical facility’s 78 beds are occupied by Jews and as such, the hospital has a kashrus certificate from the Jerusalem Rabbinate and he explains that great detail is given to preparing food and seeing to the religious needs of patients.

Rav Sheinin states that every erev Yomtov for example, the staff meets and he reviews the laws and customs of the particular Yomtov to better enable hospital staff to accommodate the Jewish patients and visiting family members.

He added that painfully, there are a number of Jewish hospitals operating in the country that do not have kashrus certificates and this is sad indeed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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