HORROR IN RECHOVOT: Man Attacks 8-Yr.-Old Because “He Hates Chareidim”

Illustrative. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In a shocking incident that has shaken the Chareidi community in Rechovot, an eight-year-old Chareidi boy was violently attacked by a 60-year-old man while playing outside his home with his brother and friends, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

The perpetrator, who was arrested by police officers who were called to the scene, told them that he beat up the boy because he “hates Chareidim.”

The man reportedly began slapping the boy’s face with great force, waved him around and threw him to the ground.

Passersby who heard the boy’s screams hurried to the scene and attempted to pull the man away while calling the police.

A member of the Rechovot community who knows the boy told B’Chadrei that he fears the children that witnessed the scene will endure lasting trauma. “This was an inconceivable incident,” he said. “This is a gentle boy who never hurt anyone. It’s not clear why he davka picked on him.”

The incident occurs on the background of a wave of violence toward Chareidim by Arabs in Jerusalem and a spate of attacks throughout the country.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. This wicked evil savage 60 year old must be sent to prison for life without parole, and everyday for the rest of his life be slapped across his face with numerous force numerous times, and then be grabbed by an arm suspended in mid air waved around with great force for an entire hour every day.
    Anything short of this is an absolute travesty of justice.

  2. Stories like these break my heart. I can with difficulties stomach anti-semitism. After all It’s Eisav k’halacha.
    I can’t stomach at all this level of sinas chinam/gizanut bein yehudim.

  3. Sad fruits of anti-Jewish HAARETZ and the likes in aggressive-lefty hateful media in Israel. The invites who regularly label supposed “racism” on any security worries.

  4. 147: Ignoring your comment, i just have a short question for you –
    Why did your creative imagination not manage this time to connect the incident to the ‘terrible situation’ that the Israeli government is preventing people (and COvid) from entering the country?

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