Chareidi Couple Attacked By Arabs On Friday Night In French Hill

Israeli Border Police patrol the Old City of Jerusalem as worshippers arrive for Friday prayers during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, on Friday, April 23, 2021. Israeli police say 44 people were arrested and 20 officers were wounded in a night of chaos in Jerusalem, where security forces separately clashed with Palestinians angry about Ramadan restrictions. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

A Chareidi couple took a Friday night stroll after the meal in the Jerusalem neighborhood of French Hill and were accosted by Arabs, Kikar H’Shabbat reported.

The Arabs beat up the husband, kicking him, punching him and spitting at him.

Unfortunately, this was only one of many Arab attacks in Jerusalem over the weekend, on Friday and Shabbos. A young woman walking her dog was thrown to the ground and kicked over and over.

In another incident on Bar-Lev Street, an Arab attacked two Jews, leaving them with wounds. One of the Jews had a gun and turned around and subdued his attacker. But then other Arabs began to gather and the Jews fled the scene.

In another incident, Arabs attacked a Jew on Shimon HaTzaddik street in Jerusalem, while screaming: “He’s a Jews! He’s a Jew!. A video of the incident was then posted on social media.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Judging from the amount of incidents happening, they’re definitely encouraging this incitement towards violence in mosques. It’s too frequent and happening on too large of a scale amongst too many Arabs to be coincidental.

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