MASSIVE POLICE PRESENCE: Fearing Reprisal Attacks For Arab Violence Against Jews, Jerusalem Police Raise Alert Level

In light of the recent attacks by Arabs against Jews in the city of Jerusalem during the recent week of Ramadan, police have raised their alert level in fear of reprisal attacks by Jewish teens against Arabs.

According to a reports, the raised alert level was due to intelligence information which they received that various WhatsApp groups were opened by youngsters who associate with right-wing extremist groups, whose organizers intend to carry out “vengeance marches” against Arabs in the city.

Some message sin the group asked where people can purchase pepper spray, stun grenades, clubs, etc… Other messages said, “Let’s bust their faces in.” The police are attempting to stop the degradation of relations between Arabs and Jews in the capital.

The “vengeance marches” are being planned in response to the numerous violent attacks on young Chareidim that were perpetrated by Arabs and were filmed and publicized on Tiktok.

One such video depicted an Arab teenager slapping walking up to and slapping a Chareidi teenager’s face in an unprovoked attack on the light-rail. This video enraged the Jewish population of the city and is being pointed out by leaders as inciting others to do similar acts in order to gain popularity.

A police spokesperson said that officers in the capital arrested more than 50 Arabs in the area of the Damascus Gate and the old city, who were suspected of being involved in this incident or others and are being charged with disturbing the peace, violence, attacking an officer, causing property damage to police and civilian vehicles, and other misdemeanors.

Kikar HaShabbat also publicized that the police arrested a Jewish youth for publicizing on social media a call to action to join him and head out to attack Arabs in the city.

Police are preparing for a particularly violent night as the right-wing extremist group known as Lahava has put out a call to its followers, mostly young Jewish men of the national-religious segment of society, to come and “protect Jewish honor” in the capital. Some of the planned incidents of violence have already occurred. Some of the incidents ended with violence and Arabs being attacked at random with pepper spray, bats, clubs, fists, and feet, and throughout all of this, only two of the Jewish attackers have been arrested thus far.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. @avraham and what about when one needs some “air” .
    also do you remember being a teenager?
    and do you remember the pirkei avot you studied ” in the Bais HaMedrash”? it says “Judge Everyone Favorably”

  2. Where are all the “Chillul Hashem” kanoim on this article? Check out the article about the people in meah shearim who had some sort of run in with an Arab driver there’s no lack of such commentators there. Or any article about meah shearim for that matter.

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