Fleishig Restaurant’s Lawyer: “It Was An Innocent Mistake”


The lawyer for the restaurant which served a milchig dessert to Osher Deri, z’l, leading to her death, spoke about the incident on Radio 103FM earlier this week.

“What we understand at this stage is that the restaurant had run out of a dessert ingredient, and there was an explicit request by the kitchen manager to purchase a pareve product,” Attorney Yogav Narkis said.

“We have to remember that they went to buy a food product, not chalilah a toxic product. Apparently, an innocent mistake happened. The pain [of the tragedy] is very deep, also for the restaurant owners – there’s no disputing that.”

The incident has also brought up serious kashrus concerns and Shas MK Moshe Arbel sent a letter to the kashrus fraud department at the Chief Rabbinate demanding answers.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. seems like a permanent mashchiach might have prevented this.
    but the rabinut does not have permanent mashchiach, so it is a lower quality hechsher….

  2. Manslaughter under American law.

    The employees knew the woman was allergic to milk, and knew the restaurant wasn’t supposed to have milkig products. Negligence leading to death is usually a crime.

  3. An Innocent Mistake Involuntary manslaughter not notwithstanding is an exceedingly serious offense with exceedingly serious penalties & ramifications

  4. Garlic: Correct. A mashgiach must always be present, especially when new supplies are being introduced into the restaurant, hotel, etc!!!

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