BEHIND THE SCENES: What Really Convinced Pfizer To Use Israel As Its “Test Nation?”

Top L.: Man at vaccination center at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Courtesy of hospital); Top. R.: Boy receives vaccine at Shalva National Center in J-m. (Shalva); Bottom R.: 106 year old gets vaccinated. (Photo: Yehud-Monosson municipality); Bottom L.: Amram Cohen gives a "thumbs up" after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center in Jerusalem, Friday, Jan. 8, 2021. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Israel’s unique “melting pot” population, lending it a wide demographic diversity, was the ultimate factor in Pfizer’s decision to choose Israel as the “test nation” for its coronavirus vaccines, Yisrael Hayom revealed on Wednesday.

In the course of about 30 phone conversations between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in January, Netanyahu tried to persuade Bourla that Israel would be the ideal “test nation” for its new coronavirus vaccines.

Bourla was initially considering using Estonia as a test case nation but Netanyahu, along with former US Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer (who was replaced by Gilad Erdan in January), convinced Bourla that Israel was the better choice. Dermer participated in many of the conversations between Netanyahu and Bourla and also spoke to him separately numerous times.

Ultimately, Bourla was convinced to choose Israel after Netanyahu touted its demographic diversity, saying: “Israel has a population of people originating from 100 different countries around the world. In the case of a negative reaction to the vaccine, there will be ample and precise medical information about any possible connection between the person’s origin and the vaccine.”

The other winning argument that Netanyahu and Dermer presented to Bourla was Israel’s vast experience in responding to emergency situations, making it well-equipped to swiftly and efficiently respond to any potential issues that may arise during the national vaccination campaign.

Netanyahu and Bourla also cited Israel’s unique digital health database on all its citizens, with information dating back 30 years, and its distribution of clinics around the country that would be capable of efficiently carrying out the vaccination drive. However, Estonia boasted these two benefits as well.

Israel was also chosen for its size, not overly large but not too small, to serve as a “national laboratory” for the world.

As Bourla said in an interview with Channel 12 News last month, Bourla was impressed with Netanyahu’s “obsessiveness” with purchasing the vaccines.  The Yisrael HaYom report added that Bourla was also impressed by Netanyahu’s insistence on having the lawyers from both sides joining in on the conversations in order to prevent any legal deterrents to the deal.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This is mind boggling! Would someone who cares about his people really use them as the world’s guinea pigs for an untested new drug??????!!!!!! How much are they paying you, Netanyahu?!

  2. Jewish people, including pregnant women and children are being forced to to be the lab rats for a new pharmaceutical product, and some people think that’s something to be proud of.

  3. It’s funny, first everyone sent around that inspiring tear-jerking story about how the CEO chose Israel because he was Jewish, and how he escaped from the Holocaust etc etc, and then people claimed it was simply a financial decision since Israel paid top dollar to get it first. Now we have a third version to the story. I wonder what the fourth version will be???

  4. Someone just explained to me the theory of why they chose Israel.
    We do not do Autopsies.
    People die within weeks, days or minutes of the vaccine?
    Nothing to see here!

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