Watch: Hundreds Of Arabs Riot At Sha’ar Shechem, Yafo

Riot police deploy by Sha'ar Shechem. (Twitter screenshot)

Hundreds of Arabs rioted by Sha’ar Shechem on Sunday night in what has become a nightly occurrence since Ramadan began last Tuesday

Israel Police have set up barricades outside the Old City to contain the crowd during Ramadan and Arabs claim they are rioting in protest of the restrictions.

Police used water cannons and stun grenades to disperse the crowd and three Palestinians were arrested.

Eight Arabs threw stones at buses and threw fireworks at police.

Protests also took place in Yafo, where Rav Eliyahu Mali and a colleague were violently assaulted on Sunday morning. In response to the violence, a Jewish protest took place near the site of the attack on Sunday evening.

An Arab counter-protest then formed across the street, with the Arabs shouting: “Settlers, go home.”

Police stood between the two protests, serving as a human barrier, and the Arab protesters threw rocks and fireworks at the police. Two police officers were lightly injured.

Protests in Yafo. (Ynet screenshot)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. trump – no arab riots
    biden – arab riots.
    let’s repeat
    4 years of trump – no arab riots
    2 months of biden – arab riots.

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