Surprising Announcement At Brisk Regarding Cell Phones

HaGaon HaRav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik (Photo: Yochanan Lustig)

An unprecedented announcement was made in Yeshivas Brisk in Jerusalem at the beginning of the new zman regarding cell phones, Kikar H’Shabbos reported.

Prior to the announcement, the yeshivah administration and the Rosh Yeshivah, HaGaon Rav Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik, have always refrained from getting involved in the personal matters of the bochurim. Every bochur was able to have any cell phone he wanted, with some American bochurim even having filtered smartphones.

However, last week, one of the yeshivah administrators made an announcement in the dining room, stating: “According to the decision of the yeshivah administration, bochurim can no longer have phones approved in the US. Therefore every bochur should go to the yeshivah offices and will receive a kosher phone at the yeshiva’s expense.”

“Anyone who’s familiar with Brisk knows that this is a dramatic announcement,” a Brisk avreich told Kikar. “It’s the first time that the yeshiva is getting involved in such matters, and not only that but is distributing phones for free. Apparently, there’s a donor who agreed to pay for it.”

“At the same time,” the avreich continued, “it was stated that this was the decision of the yeshivah administration without mentioning the Rosh Yeshivah. We assume that since there was a donor, the Rosh Yeshivah said why not have them switch to kosher phones but he didn’t want the statement coming out in his name.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Long tradition of radicalism….power grab and control. These boys are adults, and should be treated as such…..

  2. The fact that the rosh cant say because of a donor…and dont get involved..big news, shows me how little I understand about brisk and its culture

  3. @Deracheha_darchei_noam No one is forced to go to Brisk. There are plenty of good yeshivas available for bucherim who wish to have a filtered phone…

  4. Darkei nowhere it says in davening, not to bring to the hands of nisayon. Most adults who are “treated as such” are nichshal in devoting chamurim

  5. Why deprive us parents from seeing our sons? We send them away to learn – can’t we see them once a week or so? My 22 year old son is in Brisk: is it so terrible for his mother to see him?

  6. It’s about time that the Roshei Yeshiva of all yeshivos stop being ruled by these know it all, do gooder, G’virim. If they know so much, they should give up their business and open a Yeshiva.

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