REPORT: Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Says Better To Form Government With Arab Ra’am Party Then Leftists

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has not discussed the option of creating a government together with the Arab Ra’am party, either inside the government or outside of it, the Religious Zionist party has come out vehemently against it in every way. At the same time, the Chareidi parties, led by United Torah Judaism, have come out in favor of the possibility.

In a discussion together with other members of his party, MK Moshe Gafni who heads the UTJ party said: “There is no problem with creating a government together with Mansour Abbas. we have a lot in common with their party, and we get along better with him than we do with (Betzalel) Smotritch.”

B’Chadrei Charedim also reported that Gafni has even been pushing the Prime Minister to make such a government with the Ra’am party. Gafni has also made it clear that he intends to join with the Ra’am party in order to be a majority factor inside the government over the desires of the Religious Zionist party and Smotritch for the duration of the lifetime of the government, should it arise.

Channel 12 News reported that Hagaon HaRav Chami Kanievsky, the Daas Torah of UTJ, said that “from the standpoint of yiddishkeit, it would be better to form a government with representatives of the Arab parties, than with the representatives of the left-wing.”

According to the report, HaRav Kanievsky intended to say that the Arabs do not wish to create a “melting-pot” and “make everyone secular”. He also intended that in relation to religious issues and the draft law, the Arabs are much closer to the Chareidi mindset than the left-wing MKs who wish to undermine the uniquely Jewish character of the State of Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. HaRav Kanievsky intended to say that the Arabs do not wish to create a “melting-pot” and “make everyone secular”. This is pure unadulterated דעת תורה and is absolutely binding upon all of us to support.

  2. This is common sense that all reasonable people instinctively always knew. A bad Jew is much worse than almost any gentile.

  3. “REPORT: Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Says Better To Form Government With Arab Ra’am Party Then Leftists”

    Its THAN not then.

  4. I have contacted reliable sources in Bnei Brak and I was told very clearly that the Rabbi did not say this.
    People are spreading false rumors. They have a strange agenda.
    I guess we can add this article to the pile of fake news.

  5. i would prefer Smotrich than Arabs, Smtrich is religious, so is Ben Gvir, they understand the need for Jewish education, Shabbos, and kashrut. The Arabs do not care. Plus you can not trust them. But if there is NO choice, then better them then a leftist liberal government….

  6. After the inaccurate reports in the media, on the remarks of Maran Sar ha Torah HaGra”ch Kanievsky about the formation of a government with the Arab Party.

    From a thorough clarification below is the exact description as it was in the house of Maran HaGra”ch Kanevsky.

    The rabbi said: “Support should be for those who are not against religion.”

    One of the dignitaries of the house asked: “If the Arabs are good from the left, they have no interest in the subject of religion at all.”

    The GR”H replied: “‘yes, thus also.”


    Radio KolChai

  7. better for hareidim for sure. no hiddush there. if an arab government supported torah, it would be better than a Jewish government according to some/many/most hareidim.

  8. He also intended that in relation to religious issues and the draft law, the Arabs are much closer to the Chareidi mindset than the left-wing MKs who wish to undermine the uniquely Jewish character of the State of Israel.

    With relation to those issues, maybe, but does he not realize that the Arabs are even more determined than the left to “undermine the uniquely Jewish character of the State”?! In fact they don’t want to undermine it, they want to utterly destroy it — אמרו לכו ונכחידם מגוי, ולא יזכר שם ישראל עוד. At least the left want to preserve the name, while removing the content.

    Forming a government that depends on the Arabs’ votes, and therefore must necessarily give them whatever they demand, is explicitly against halacha. The Shulchon Oruch says in many places that one may not entrust ones safety to a goy, even if he claims to have no designs on us; he simply can’t be trusted.

    And specifically about the safety of a Jewish country (even in chutz la’aretz), the Shulchan Aruch rules explicitly that if goyim seek to occupy a border town, which would make it easier for them to invade the country should they choose to do so, then even if they declare loudly that they have no interest in doing so, that all they want is to steal some hay and straw from that one town and then they’ll go away, we must assume they’re lying, and we must take up arms and fight them even on Shabbos, because the mere potential for invading the country is pikuach nefesh. How much more so when they seek a measure of control over the government itself! That is much worse than a mere border town.

  9. It’s possible that this is true but unlikely because the Moetzes has a policy of not addressing theoretical issue.

    Until a vote is actually presented in the Knesset they do not give opinions about it. Unless there is a question of joining an actual coalition they don’t say what they would or would not do if such a coalition would be formed.

  10. Apples and oranges!

    Gafni says he would better join with the Ra’am party over the Religious Zionist party and Smotritch.

    Rav Chaim said , it would be better to form a government with representatives of the Arab parties, than with the representatives of the left-wing.

    The left wing are not religious. The Religious Zionist are religious.

    It is a deceptive abuse to use the Rav”s words to justify actions he never condoned.

  11. What a relief that we have Sages like Milhouse to remind the Sar HaTorah about marei mekomos that he must have forgotten … Milhouse, what you learn in a year, Reb Chaim probably learns in a day (if not less …).

  12. american-yerushalmi, you misunderstood Rav Milhouse’s comment! He is stating that the Sar Hatoeah would never make a statement contrary to Torah, therefore we must conclude that he is being misstated, misquoted or taken out of context.

    But my question to you AY – how do you know how much Rav Milhouse does (or doesn’t) learn in a year?

    Suppose Rav Milhouse learns absolutely nothing all year, are you claiming that is what Reb Chaim probably learns in a day?! You thought you are defending the kovod of the sar hatorah, but instead you are being mevazeh him!

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