WATCH: The United Torah Judaism Catchy Jingle Of 2021

Mendy Weiss and Ruli Dickman.

Yahadus HaTorah (United Torah Judaism), the Chareidi Ashkenazi party in Israel, is known for their catchy jingles they create anew for every election every few years months – a considerable feat considering how many new jingles they had to come up with over the past year.

They’ve done it again for the March 23 elections, with popular Israeli singers Ruli Dickman and Mendy Weiss singing this year’s month’s tune.

The song hones in on the message that Chareidim in Israel should vote for UTJ because it’s the party that puts Hashem and His Torah at the forefront and is supported by the Gedolim.

It also mentions issues important to Chareidim – yeshivos, kehillos, and combatting anti-religious incitement.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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