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Dayanim To Mir Bochurim: “Do Hataras Nedarim On Pesach Minhagim”

Yeshivas Mir

In the wake of the request of Rosh Yeshivas Mir HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Yehudah Finkel to bochurim from overseas to remain in Israel for Pesach, many bochurim, especially chassidish bochurim, asked shailos about adhering to chumros they keep in their parents’ homes.

As YWN reported, HaRav Finkel requested that yeshivah bochurim from overseas remain for Pesach since their return to Israel after Yom Tov cannot be guaranteed. The Rosh Yeshivah promised the bochurim he would provide for all their needs but many bochurim are used to adhering to many chumros on Pesach that could not possibly be met by the yeshivah – such as not using any processed food over Pesach.

Gedolei Rabbanim and Dayanim in Israel wrote a p’sak for the bochurim, telling them that they should remain in yeshivah in Israel even if it means they will be unable to keep their minhagim this Pesach.

“The bochurim have asked what to do regarding the special minhagim they keep in their parents’ homes, like only using schmaltz [instead of processed oil] and other similar minhagim, and especially the minhag of not eating at other people’s homes on Pesach,” the Rabbanim wrote.

“After delving into the matter and weighing all considerations, it is right and appropriate to remain in yeshivah to labor in Torah and avodah (with the consent of the parents, of course) and to rely on the yeshivah leadership. In upcoming years, [the bochurim] will continue to adhere to their specific minhagim.”

However, the Rabbanim added that out of an abundance of caution, the bochurim should carry out hataras nedarim, despite the fact they intend to resume keeping their minhagim in upcoming years.

The letter was signed by HaGaon HaRav Naftali Nussbaum, HaRav Yosef Lieberman, HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Meir Stern, Hagaon HaRav Matisyahu Deitsch, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shaul Klein, HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Tzvi Direnfeld and HaGaon HaRav Menachem Mendel Fuchs.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. he bochurim have asked what to do regarding the special minhagim they keep in their parents’ homes, like only using schmaltz…”
    If the worst outcome of having to stay in EY for the sedorim is that a few thousand bochurim use much healthier olive oil or peanut oil for yom tov, somehow I think the Ebeshter will cut them a break.

  2. Godol Hadorah:
    I have to be careful to speak to you with derech eretz, as befitting a humble Godol Hador…
    peanuts are considered by many poskim to be kitniyos, and i cant imagine that the yeshiva bochurim will be using that
    עיין ישועת משה סי’ ל”ה ובנוספות שבסוף הספר עמוד רצ”ב מביא מהוראות לחג הפסח מטעם הבד”צ ירושלים שכתוב גם בטנים הם בכלל קטניות כפסק רבני ירושלים הקודמים. קטניות וע”ע מלמד להועי סי’ פ”ח ובשו”ת חלקת יעקב סי’ ל”ז שדין בוטנים כדין קטניות לענין חומרת קטניות בפסח. ואכמ”ל
    But more importantly, you gotta realize that baring any danger (וחי בהם etc.) FIRSTLY one has to decide what is the הלכה, ie. what is Rotzon Hashem, what is best for our Neshomo and our Netzach, THEN we can be concerned with our health, which, as the Rambam says is important as a healthy strong body can better keep the mitzvos.
    I think that if one has to eat unhealthy ‘shmaltz’ for one week because it’s a choshuve minhag (not mine) then the dietitian somehow i think the dietitian will cut them a break…..

    BTW to use that shprach about Hashem is a big zilzul, certainly not befiitting someone of the stature of Godol Hador, or even Godol b’torah.

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