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Student Re-entry Barred Until Pesach; Flights Cancelled

Despite Israel’s partial opening of the skies to its citizens, foreigners continue to be barred from entering the country. Since the onset of the third Corona wave in early January, student visa holders, too, have been prevented from entering Israel.

Now, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri has extended the ban on students until at least March 27 (Erev Pesach). See the Interior Ministry’s latest rules, hereIt should be emphasized that there is no reason to believe that immediately after March 27, students will be granted entry. Rather, it is now clear that until March 27, permission will certainly not be granted.

This new ruling underscores the Travel Advisory issued in February by Amudim, Chaim V’Chessed and the Igud. Student visa holders contemplating leaving Israel for Pesach should be aware that they might not be able to return after the holiday.

Separately, as Chaim V’Chessed reported last week, the government continues cancel flights scheduled to fly to or form Israel. This move is wreaking havoc with the travel plans of many.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I’m very happy to hear! If they decided it’s danger, Health comes before economy and Yeshivos! The point of Yeshiva is to learn Torah and salinas nefashos is from the most important. Could you imagine I steal a chumash to learn lol signov. So until the medical experts say it’s safe to resume, it should remain closed.

  2. Of course their banned till pesach. Which students are trying to go before pesach?? That’s why they banned it. After the holiday when everyone wants to go back they’ll make the exceptions again. Obviously. Watch.

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