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Israel: 12 Seniors Contract COVID-19 Following Second Vaccination

In a worrying trend, 12 seniors, all from the same nursing home in Be’er Sheva, tested positive for having contracted COVID-19, even after they were well past their second dose of the vaccine. The seniors were all tested and found to be positive after one of the nurses fell ill with the virus. None of the seniors who tested positive had any symptoms of the disease.

The Health Ministry is conducting testing in order to ascertain whether or not the version of the disease that the people contracted is one of the mutations or the regular strain.

At this time it appears that the vaccine has helped these seniors fight off the disease to the point that none of them have any symptoms whatsoever.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Did the nurse have symptoms? If she did, didn’t she have the vaccine? IF she didn’t, then the whole story is useless because anybody could test positive. it doesnt mean anything

  2. What are they doing? No symptoms but they are sticking qtips up these poor old ladies noses!!! What is wrong with this world?

  3. Testing positive without getting sick should be considered a non-problem. The “panic” engendered by acting as if testing positive, with no symptoms more serious than a common call, is why there is much skepticism about the pronouncements from the public health authorities and the politicians. According to their own statistics, 90% of people who “have” Covid19 don’t get sick, though they might infect others. Being worried or paniced over someone who tests positive but is not sick is a Big Lie that has been discredited by the facts. YWN should stop trying to spread panic with fake news (the real news is that many people who have been vaccinated, and exposed to and infected with the virus, did NOT become sick).

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