88% Of Israelis Over Age 50 Were Vaccinated Or Recovered From Virus

A police officer is vaccinated against the coronavirus (Photo: Israel Police)

About 88% of Israelis over the age of 50 have either been vaccinated against the coronavirus or have recovered from the virus, according to Health Ministry data published on Wednesday.

A total of 4.8 million Israelis, 52% of the population, have been vaccinated with one vaccine dose, and 3.5 million Israelis have received both doses.

Israel’s Arab sector has the lowest vaccination rate, with only 67% of those over 50 vaccinated and 31% of those of all ages.

At the same time, the reproduction number in the sector is currently the highest in the country, standing at 1.17.

The reproduction number in the Chareidi sector is currently 0.82, significantly lower than that of the general population, which is currently at 1.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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