Democracy Index: Olmert is Not to be Trusted

The 2008 Democracy Index report released by the Israel Democracy Institute stated that only 17% of the adult population views Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as trustworthy. Over 90% of respondents stated they believe that the political system is tainted with corruption — 60% believe that the level of corruption is “very high”, while 30% believe that it is “quite high”. The report was presented to President Shimon Peres on June 10th, in an official ceremony in the President’s Residence.

Regarding the High Court of Justice, respondents were asked if they trust the nation’s highest court since Justice Dorit Beinish replaced Justice Aaron Barak as court president. The country’s trust in the court dropped from 61% under Barak to 49% today.

For the first time, the Supreme Court was not listed as the number one defender of democracy in Israel, and that role is now in the hands of the press, which is perceived as the primary source of uncovering corruption in government. Trust in Israel Police also dropped, from 41% to 31%.

When asked if they trust our elected officials, lawmakers, only 29% responded positively.

The IDF leads the way among public institutions enjoying the publics’ trust, with 71% of the respondents willing to place their trust in the military.

The president has also begun rehabilitating the office of the presidency, which during the end of President Moshe Katsav’s tenure dropped to 22% but now, since the election of President Shimon Peres the level of public trust now measures 47%.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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