Israel: 70% Of Pregnant Women Haven’t Been Vaccinated Against COVID

Illustrative. A maternity department for COVID patients at Ichilov Hospital (Ichilov spokesperson)

On the background of the tragic death of Osnat Ben-Shitrit on Motzei Shabbos, Kan News published a report based on data from Israel’s Kupot Cholim, showing that only one-third of pregnant women in Israel have been vaccinated.

The report added that Israel’s Society of Obstetrics sent a letter to the Health Ministry requesting that a hotline be opened to answer the numerous questions pregnant women have on the issue.

Israel’s Health Ministry has recommended that all pregnant women be vaccinated, stressing that any risks of the vaccine are outweighed by the risks to the mother and fetus. HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky has given his bracha to the measure, saying that no one should fear getting vaccinated.

On Sunday, the Health Ministry published data showing that 50 pregnant women ill with the coronavirus are currently hospitalized in Israel’s hospitals, with 10 in serious condition, 8 in critical condition, 7 ventilated, and one attached to an ECMO machine.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I suspect that the delay in educating women on the benefits of vaccination and the seemingly endless stream of false rumors within the Chareidi tzibur regarding adverse consequences of the vaccines being used in EY (primarily Pfizer) will take more suffering and loss (directly and through long-term, Post-Covid issues) than any minor side-effects of the vaccine. Fear is a powerful force and hard to overcome even when your Rav tells you the vaccines are safe but others are whispering dark conspiracy theories.

  2. Great! And if they are smart they shouldn’t… As 50% of the doctors in Israel are not vaccinating themselves!

    do as I say, or do as I do…?

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