10-Year-Old Chareidi Boy In Serious Condition After Being Struck By a bus in Modi’in Illit

A 10-year-old Chareidi boy was struck by a bus on Mesillas Yesharim Street in Modi’in Illit. The boy was seriously injured in the accident and treated at the scene by volunteers from United Hatzalah and ambulance teams from Magen David Adom.

A spokesperson for Magen David Adom said: “The boy was transported to Tel HaShomer hospital in serious condition, having suffered a multi-system trauma.”

A spokesperson from the Police said: “Our dispatchers received an alert that an accident took place on Mesillat Yesharim Street in Modi’in Illit. According to the report, a bus hit a 10-year-old boy. The boy was treated at the scene and transported to the hospital to receive further care. The bus driver is at the scene and traffic investigators are looking into the circumstances surrounding the incident.”

The tzibbur is asked to daven for a complete refuah for Noach Eliezer Ben Sarah Rivkah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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