Israel’s Economy To Reopen, Gyms & Hotels Only For Green Passport Holders

People line in front of a Tel Aviv post office after some curbs had been lifted. (Photo: AP)

Israel’s coronavirus cabinet convened on Monday and ministers approved the reopening of commercial activity on Sunday, including malls, gyms, hotels and cultural venues.

The reopening of the educational system will continue, with 5th-6th and 11th-12th graders in green, yellow and light orange cities to return to their classrooms on Sunday.

All Israelis will be able to enter stores, malls, open-air markets, and libraries but non-essential activities such as gyms, hotels, theaters, and other cultural and sports events will be reserved for green passport holders, who have recovered from the coronavirus or have been fully vaccinated.

Non-green passport holders and children under the age of 16 who cannot be vaccinated will have to present a negative coronavirus test from the previous 48 hours in order to be allowed into these venues.

Minister also approved a second phase of the easing of restrictions beginning in about three weeks, on March 7, including the reopening of small restaurants and cafés under purple ribbon guidelines, with only customers with green passports to be allowed in.

Gatherings of up to 20 people indoors and 50 people outdoors will be permitted and 7th to 10th graders in green, yellow and light-orange areas will return to their classrooms.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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