Netanyahu Erupts At Mandelblit For Bureaucratic Stubbornness

AG Mandelblit (GPO), PM Netanyahu (Chaim Tzach/GPO)

During a meeting of the Corona Cabinet that took place on Sunday evening, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blew up at the Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, after the latter refused to comply with Netanyahu’s demand to prepare a number of possible decrees that could be used to combat the virus.

“This is clerical work. Please prepare responses to a variety of different possible outcomes,” Netanyahu shouted angrily. “I am trying to be prepared for all eventualities and provide a solution before the problem arises. I am telling you, prepare for numerous outcomes simultaneously. I am asking that the work be done in parallel rather than one after the other. There is no reason for it, and it makes decision making that much harder.”

Netanyahu added: “I did not receive an answer. Do what I am telling you. I don’t understand this bureaucratic stubbornness. There is no excuse for it.”

Even at the end of the meeting, no new decisions were made and there was no proposal presented for when the education system will get back on track and when children will be able to go back to school. There was a new proposal ratified regarding flights and allowing the return of up to 2,000 Israeli citizens per day into Ben Gurion Airport. In addition, it was decided that the inspectors in Ben Gurion will be given new authority to enforce new regulations that were agreed upon. The Defense Ministry was also told to prepare corona hotels for those being placed in isolation after returning to Israel.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Mandelblit is a parasite who needs to be fired and get lost for ever. Don’t hesitate Bibi to scream from morning to night at this menace mandelblit.

  2. Set in motion legislation to place a moratorium on 5G rollouts and to ‘roll it back’, creating instead an infrastructure based on fibre-optic which doesn’t use radiation to generate signals. This is according to Israeli law already in place but not being effected conservatively enough. The reason is because there is more than adequate research that microwave signals can (and do) weaken the immune systems and other functioning of humans and others on the planet.

    Educate the citizenry about the dangers of close-to-the-body cellphone-proximity and of ‘open’ (un-cabled) WiFi. These have also been shown to weaken the immune system–just have a look at the health warning on a cellphone.

    Protests and moratoriums on both of these activities are taking place around the globe. However, they are underreported in the mainstream media–which is owned in majority amounts by Big Telecomm who are not interested in much change–as one might surmise.

    Invest and support organic and non-GMO foods and resources. These make a significant difference in health as well.

    It’s not wise to fool with nature — embrace responsible technology.

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