Israeli, 36, Dies Of COVID, Friends Blame “Fake News” Backers As “Murderers”

Avraham Bodman, z’l, of the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, passed away on Wednesday at Shaarei Tzedek hospital at the young age of 36 due to complications of the coronavirus, sadly before he merited to marry and raise a family.

The niftar’s friends from his shul claim that his death could have been avoided, placing the blame on the spreaders of “fake news” regarding the vaccine against COVID-19.

“With great sorrow, we inform you of the death of our dear friend due to complications of the coronavirus, Avraham, z’l, who greeted everyone cheerfully despite his difficult life, and frequented the beis medrash,” an email to the mispallelim of the Mishkan Shraga shul stated.

“Now, when his grave lies open before us, it should be noted that Avraham, who was at some risk, refrained from getting vaccinated due to the fear of it harming fertility.”

“The person who told him this nonsense, and all those who spread these lies, are murderers!”

“Everyone in our community who was affected by the loss, should use this painful incident in order to warn people of the responsibility to get vaccinated and prevent the death of young and old!”

Avraham, z’l, was born and raised in Mea Shearim.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. All those people are healthy mostly young individuals who think they will survive the virus.
    They preach to others what they choose for themselves without putting themselves in the other person’s shoes.
    Many people are immunosuppressed and cannot adequately fight the virus.
    I hope this tragedy knocks some sense into those who are ignorant of how farreaching
    May Avraham Bodman”s parents, siblings and friends be comforted!

  2. Baruch Dayan Haemes.
    But let us remember that Hashem decides how long a person will live on this Earth.

    Also perhaps the friends should consider the fact that there are MANY treatments available now when a person gets coronoavirus, especially at the beginning of the illness. Did the friends investigate these treatments to help their friend?

    For the future, if you know anyone who gets coronavirus, ask around your neighborhood for gemachs that have treatments available for free and for the names of doctors who will prescribe treatments as well.

  3. Actually, all is preordained. Based on age I am not sure that getting the vaccine for his age would have come in time to make a difference.
    Written in the USA, where New Yorkers of age are waiting while Taxi drivers and self proclaimed grocery workers are getting vaccines.

  4. So sad! Baruch Dayan Haemmes!
    I guess Rav Chaim is not to be trusted on things he says with clarity and emphasis because it’s only when he says things that conform to my thought processes can I accept what he says! If he says something that I don’t like, I may disagree! After all, the Gemara is filled with disagreements!

    Why people can’t accept Daas Torah on its surface without questioning it, behooves me!

  5. This is so sad, BDE, such a young person, Hashem should bless his neshama, and comfort his family.

    My dear brothers and sisters: This is terrible news, HOWEVER, facts about all those hundreds who died or had horrible reactions and side effects from the vaccines are JUST AS TRUE. The reality is that just because the immense amounts of negative side effects from the vaccines won’t EVER be publicized nor shown on ANY website nor TV station DOES NOT MEAN ISN’T ISN’T THERE! These so called ‘Vaccines’ might work on some level – I’m not against vaccines – but CHECK THE FACTS, DO RESEARCH, my dear brothers and sisters, because there are SOOOO many that are suffering – including babies, pregnant women, and people of this young man’s age BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE AND THE FOLLOW UP VACCINE. He HAD what to be afraid of. Not saying it’s not safe, but these vaccines aren’t 100% proven to be safe. And until it is, people have the right to choose to take them or not to take them.

  6. This is a bizarre article. The man made his choice. No one murdered him. It is upto each person to decide what to believe. No one forced him into anything. Each one of us has to live with the consequences of our own decisions.

    Side note – plenty of people died after vaccinating. I know someone personally who died 2 days after taking the vaccine. Each person can decide what risk they want to take. To force your “truth” on someone else is outright immoral and violation of basic human rights.

  7. See? A proof from the writer of an email from the Mishkan Shraga Shul to its members. They know what is and what isn’t false news.

  8. Nebach, this fellow seemingly wasn’t 100 percent in many ways, as is evident from his sad life, poor health conditions and decisions, etc. It is silly to yell about the people who “convinced” him not to vaccinate, since his challenged situation was more to blame for his unwise decision than was their ranting. They are entitled to their opinion regarding the erstwhile unknown long term effects of the vaccine, and for all we know, they may be correct. Obviously this Bodman fellow following their “advice” and choosing fertility over life was foolish, but for a not-100-percenter, what can we expect nebach…

  9. “The person who told him this nonsense, and all those who spread these lies, are murderers!”

    BD”E. As sad as this loss is, that statement is a pretty big stretch, to the point of being ridiculous.

    1. The virus is statistically close to a zero risk for someone in his age group.
    2. The vaccine has been approved, at least in this country, only on an emergency basis only; it has not been given the normal safety approval of a typical vaccine (and even those also carry risks, according to everyone).

  10. It’s not a certainty by any means that the experimental-use and largely-untested cv vaccine would have helped. If the guilt-mongering political and allopathic-medical community seeks to promote this perspective they should allow liability for vaccine damages and injuries as a starting point.

  11. His name is Avraham ben Meir Peach z’l.
    He used to daven at the Shtieblach in Katamon and take care of the men’s mikva there. He learned in the Erloy Yeshiva in Katamon. He had a kind heart.

  12. It was his choice which he had every right to and he had a legitimate concern.

    “The University of Miami is investigating the possible effects of the coronavirus vaccine on male fertility. …To protect fertility, some men may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to vaccination.” (Google it for the source. It was widely reported.

    This is a novel and untested vaccine, so they really don’t know yet what the long-term effects can be. He trusted Hashem and Hashem decided. BD”E.

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