WATCH: Police Officer Who Fired His Gun In Bnei Brak Recounts Story [VIDEOS]

During an altercation in Bnei Brak that occurred on Sunday morning, two officers were surrounded by young Chareidi men and teenagers, and one of the officers was pushed causing him to take out his weapon and fire it into the air.

Originally, a police spokesperson claimed that the officers were surrounded and that stones were thrown at them. After a video surfaced showing that this was not the case, the police changed their statement to say that the officer fell a sharp stabbing in his back while he was pushed. This push and stabbing feeling prompted the officer to fire his gun in an attempt to disperse the crowd that had gathered around them.

One officer was then injured as he was hit in the head by a thrown object, and was taken to the hospital to be checked out after feeling unwell.

A police spokesperson said: We will do everything we can to make sure that those who disrupt the peace are brought to justice.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. These are (or were) yeshiva bachurim. Tomorrow, those who are trying to whitewash the Haredim will say the demonstrators were Arabs masquerading as yeshiva bachurim. No, they are our kind (not my kind).

  2. so this is Torah and these are those who learn Torah?!
    I am not saying whether the shooting is justified or not, but the students who learn Torah! PHEW!
    I am revolted by them, by their teachers and their leaders for allowing such things to happen!
    I can understand why after seeing this, NO ONE in their right mind would want to study Torah or do a Mitzvah! A pure Chillul HaShem!

  3. Luchshun kugel-
    Do you know what its like to live under the non democratic rule of the infamous israeli police?
    how the chareidim have no voice in the public sphere?
    first walk in their shoes before you judge them…

  4. Lukshen kugel
    That was pure lukshen Torah.
    Really? No one wants to do Mitzvos? You are really seeing these people as the true representatives to Torah & mitzvos?
    I’m also disgusted by their actions, but in no way looking at them as the elites in our society.
    It’s like looking at BLM rioters, & saying I’ll never play basketball again.
    Please if this is what turns people off from actually doing the right thing, then please reach out to a real rabbi or a real mentor, and let them show you the true light!!

  5. @R R R: The accusation is indeed ridiculously hilarious, but, in all fairness, I think, if we can get their convoluted story straight, the guy who was “stabbed” lolololol is the other cop… this cop had something thrown on him or something like that… so I guess he feels he needs a neck brace… whatever… lololololol

  6. The video clearly shows that THIS officer was pushed from behind, the push from behind causes him to stumble forward, in the moment before he turns, unholsters his weapon and fires in the air.

    The video also shows a hostile crowd closing in on him and acting aggressively. After being assaulted (sorry, that’s what a push is called) and in a threatening environment, the officer has the full right to use “whatever force is necessary” under the circumstances.

    He did not use “excessive force” by firing his weapon harmlessly in the air as a warning shot!

    Imagine if YOU were in the same situation, but instead of frum hostiles, it would be Palestinian hostile youths, in their neighbourhood…would you merely shoot in the air or maybe aim at the closest hostile threat?!

    When one plays with fire, he can get burned. This officer responded with great restraint.

    Fortunately, no one was shot, but if someone had been, that victim’s blood would be on his own head. They should all bentch Gomel.

  7. Is their ever a excuse for a police officer to fire a weapon at children? Police are required put the life of minors before their own, and if it could get dangerous to think of strategy for safety before under taking any operation.

  8. To that extremely Chashuva Yid who was laughing at the stabbing accusation:
    Also I noticed that this true servant of the Almighty likes to use in his comments symbols like : !?!?!?
    Also LOL LOL LOL
    First of all: Maybe you didn’t hear him so well due to the fact that maybe some of your relatives or children of your friends maybe they threw on him bottles, cans, pieces of wood, small rocks, large rocks and all kinds of sharp objects right into his head and because of the injuries that he got, his voice is not as clear as your voice. He actually said that the stabbing was to the other cop.
    Obviously you were trying to rebuke the Israeli Police officers.
    What happened to Penina when she was trying to give Mussar to Channa?
    I want to repeat that statement, sorry.
    What happened to Penina when she was trying to give Mussar to Channa?

  9. @Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname: Ah, Rebbitzen, it has been a while since we exchanged comments regarding Rabbi Hoffman and the Hasmoneans. Anyways, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Firstly, the cop in the neck brace is claiming to be neither the cop who felt “stabbing” nor the cop who shot the gun; he is specifically saying that the other cop felt “stabbing.” Not sure what you mean there. Secondly, if the cop was actually scared then he is a total wuss. That’s all I can say. I’m embarrassed for him. There was no “stabbing.”
    @Realy Confused: Whoa, bro… slow down. His actions were inexcusable, childish and embarrassing, but he didn’t fire it AT them. Let’s take a chill pill here.
    @avraham: Please clarify. Were you talking to me? Because I like stated exactly the same thing that you stated. There is only one other commenter to whom you could be referring, but he doesn’t use the paraphernelia you mention in his comments… so it’s gotta be me. Please reread my comment IN CONTEXT, remembering that I was responding to something someone else said. To explain more precisely: My first comment was making fun of the fact that they were claiming that the non-neck-brace cop had felt a “stab” when that claim is just embarrassing after watching the videos. I wasn’t saying that this guy was claiming he was stabbed. And my second and third comments were trying to correct a different very fine commenter whom I admire who happened to mistakenly think that the neck-brace cop was the same cop as the “stab” cop. I actually reread all the comments and I see how you could have been confused. Please review my words carefully and you will see what I meant. Thank you for the Chana/Penina mussar; my brother also gave me mussar regarding this today — I will take what you both say to heart. Kol Tuv. I hope I clarified things.

  10. @avraham: See what I wrote to you just above. To be more clear: I had been trying to correct a different commenter who was making fun of the cop for wearing a neck brace while saying HE was “stabbed.” I was trying to explain that he was NOT saying that HE had been “stabbed”; he was really saying the OTHER cop had been “stabbed” — just like you, @avraham, are saying.

  11. efshar azoi
    I live in Israel and know the police are NOT nice people but I see also the riff raff that is now ‘rabbis’ in the Peleg group. They do NOT listen to the gedolim who told them to just submit a paper to the draft board and get the deferment, instead they riot and the police fight back.

    They are id 10 ts and their rabbis will burn in gehenim….

  12. Yaher, read the article before questioning my comment. Here are the main words in the article, and the video of the officer shooting into the air, clearly supports the following:

    “one of the officers was pushed” (causing him to take out his weapon and fire it into the air)

    “Originally, a police spokesperson claimed…” – is common before a complete investigation requires minor changes to the original statement by a spokesperson.

    “the officer fell a sharp stabbing in his back while he was pushed” – he was pusher from behind, the fist or elbow or object used might have felt like a sharp stabbing…

    “This push and stabbing feeling prompted the officer to fire his gun in an attempt to disperse the crowd” – the officer felt he is in danger, he had been assaulted, and it takes less than half a second for the hostile crowd to escalate the violence against him.

    AN officer may use whatever force deemed necessary to maintain officer safety. Even a private citizen may use reasonable force required to defend himself from imminent danger.

    You questioned my comment because you watched the wrong video.

    He did not fire into crowd. He did not use excessive force. He used good judgment and restraint.

  13. @Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname: I’m a little confused. What do you mean by telling me to read the article and saying that I watched the wrong video? I guess I misunderstood your comment. Your first comment above stresses that you were saying “THIS officer” as opposed to “a DIFFERENT officer.” That made it sound like you were referencing the discussion in the thread regarding which officer had actually been the one to feel the “stabbing” and shoot the gun. It sounded like you were saying that the cop in the hospital bed was the very same one to have felt the “stabbing” and to have shot the gun. I was simply telling you that that was demonstrably incorrect based on the words of the cop in the video with the hospital bed. That’s all. What am I missing here? Regarding your other points: Sure, I hear you. I don’t disagree in theory. I happen to think that the cop overreacted because I happen to think that in the particular showdown displayed in the video above, the cop was a little loserish and should not have felt so threatened. That’s all. I don’t think he fired INTO the crowd, etc.

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