Vaad Hatyznius Spills Acid on Girl

Betar Illit: Police suspect member of Vaad Tzniyus (modesty patrol) spilled acid on the face, stomach  and legs of 14-year-old girl who was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

(YWN Israel Desk)

7 Responses

  1. This is one of the many problems that is occuring today. It makes us look like saudi arabia. It is up to g-d to punish. THis is a tremendous chillul hashem.

  2. to ecomajor
    yes this is very barbaric , it’s like stoning someone for chillul shabbos ! how old fashion

  3. Isn’t it true that many secular elements deliberately besmirch the religious population?

    Perhaps we should not be so quick to jump to the conclusion that this “story” is being accurately reported?

    Perhaps the headline should not have been written in statement form?

    Doesn’t such a headline tend to cast a “dark light” now on the whole concept of a va’ad hatni’us, which really is a very praiseworthy thing?

    I’m not trying to say that there aren’t problems in our camp, and even serious ones, but I just think that these questions are worth pondering. We live in a world that has a heavy, heavy load of propoganda about almost everything. I think “approach with extreme caution” ought to be our motto in dealing with the media and all of its various limbs.

  4. If this story is true – (& even if not)
    FRUM in yiddish spells:

  5. i must say i never wrote into this site. it is not the thing i do. i only looked at this site because someone mentioned to me this horror story. i am very familiar with the story as well as itsaccucomment #4)my son amongst other yeshiva boys was there as they heard this piercing screetch. to their surprise and shock a girl came running from the park choking and holding her face in total shock! no she was not dressed like a prutza, no she was not hanging out with a group of hoodlooms, just a girl that was not as frum as the bearded sure one day she might have become closer to yiddishkeit ,perhaps even married a yeshiva boy (as so many do) and raised a family in the derech hatorah.that might have all been destroyed, as well as her health and features.
    so i hope you religious fanatic with the long beard (which the perpetrator had) is now satisfied. you perhaps just destroyed a generation of honest frum yidden!
    may the rebono shel olam have mercy on your soul!and we should all daven for this girl that she has a refuah shelaima. and perhaps then , we will be forgiven.

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