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Poetic Justice? Congresswoman To Hang Israeli Flag Outside Tlaib’s Office

Recently elected Florida Congresswoman Kathryn “Kat” Cammack (Rep.) said that after she found out that her office will be next door to Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan), she decided she will hang an Israeli flag outside her office so Tlaib will have to walk by it every day.

Tlaib, of Palestinian descent, is notorious for her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric as well as for her support for BDS and ending US aid to Israel.

”We have already gotten our office assignments and it turns out that my next-door neighbor in the House office buildings is Rashida Tlaib,” Cammack said on ”Spicer & Co.” ”And so, I have already informed the House architects and the Capitol staff that I would like to have one of the Israeli flags positioned right outside my door so she has to walk past it every day.

”(That will make for) interesting conversations, I’m sure.”

Cammack told Newsmax that she and her fellow incoming freshman House Republicans plan on “fighting fire with fire” with the members of the “Squad.”

“Congressional members were elected to take on pressing issues impacting their constituents, not publicity stunts,” Tlaib’s office told Haaretz. “Rep. Tlaib is focused on solving issues and showing up for her constituents. One can only hope that Rep. Cammack will do the same.”

Cammac, 32, who was elected as the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 3rd congressional district, is the third-youngest woman and the youngest Republican woman elected to the 117th Congress.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Is Cammack’s plan good for the Jews, or Israel? This will not make Tlaib change her mind, but this in-your-face behavior may push some Congressional fence-sitters closer to Tlaib’s side of the fence.

  2. I’ve seen this hyped on various Pro-Israel media for at least a week. It’s always great to have someone supporting our just cause, and it felt good for a few moments … until I realized how childish this is. What’s to stop Tlaib from putting up a PLO flag in front of her office? And then Rudy will say we’re having combat by flag. Curb your enthusiasm, this is meaningless.

  3. “Congressional members were elected to take on pressing issues impacting their constituents, not publicity stunts,” Tlaib’s office told Haaretz. “Rep. Tlaib is focused on solving issues and showing up for her constituents. ”
    What’s Tlaib do for her constituents? All she ever does is talk about people thousands of miles away in another country. Ditto omar.

  4. Clearly putting an Israeli flag there is an act of incitement. It is also a hate act, discriminatory, anti-Palestinian, against the USA foreign policy of two-state solution (aka get rid of Israel) blah blah blah… wait and see, she will be forced to remove the flag, pronto.

  5. charliehall
    She’s a traitor, but Tlaib is perfect.

    If hanging a flag will push these people to the other side, then they really needed no pushing….

    Liberalism is an incurable disease.

  6. charliehall,

    Were you ever concerned about the “squad” being traitors to the US?? These people do not care one bit about our country. Neither do you apparently- only about your leftist agendas. They actively seek to undermine everything our country stands for.

  7. Please, please, please Congresswoman Cammack: Take the flag down. Don’t put yourself in their face; that’s only asking for trouble, and making Talib dig in harder with her anti Jewish and anti Israel agenda.
    Jews have a better approach: Hatzneah Leches Lifnei H-shem. Keep a low profile, but do what is right and take the right course of action.
    Btw: Her name is Talib, not Tlaib. Her first name is Rashida as in Rishanta.

  8. Is she breaking the law by hanging a flag? Does she have 1st ammendment rights or is it only the extreme woke left that have it? You America haters (Giggle haboring, huju, Charlie chaplin, Amil zola, etc…)were okay with the UNELECTED John Kerry sitting and schmoozing with the Iranian leadership on foreign soil, undermining the American policy, in clear violation of the Logan Act. It’s only some duly elected Congress”person” that wants to hang up a flag outside her office, that you throw a hissy fit. Her flag is what keeps you jews up at night. Immature little babies.

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