Nadvorna Rebbe Shlita Calls on Police to Avoid Autopsies

na.jpgTel Aviv Police Chief Ilan Franco made a visit to the home of the Nadvorna Rebbe Shlita in Bnei Brak. He was accompanied by the department’s district rabbi, Rav Eliyahu Kav. They were received warmly by the Rebbe Shlita.

They discussed police activities in Bnei Brak and efforts to assist the chareidi community. The Rebbe requested that the senior commander do his utmost to prevent autopsies, explaining the importance, adding that by doing so, he will also spare family members tremendous pain and despair surrounding the forbidden procedure, not to mention the grief associated with the delay in kvura.

Michael Gutwein, the area ZAKA operations officer and coordinator of area legal activities, explained how it is possible to avoid autopsies in many cases. He went on to explain that in many instances, police order an autopsy when there is no next of kin.

The Rebbe parted with his guests by giving them a bracha and thanked them for their time, wishing Franco much success in his new post.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. it’s nice to see how civil and cultured israeli officials are . may the rebbe shlita can also politly speak to them about not digging up graves , not perfoming abortions , not to teach and practice imorality ..and not to rebel against galus and the nations …..

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