Shas TA City Councilman Turns to Police Against Toeiva Community

mishtara21.jpgTel Aviv Councilman Doron Levi said he is unwilling to sit back and permit the abomination that is taking place in the city without a fight. As of Wednesday night, he painfully stated that he is a lone voice on the city council, regretfully admitting that representatives of the Agudas Yisrael and the National Religious Party have yet to raise their hands in support of his strong opposition to opening the city’s coffers to the “to’eva” (abomination).

Levi on Wednesday filed a complaint with police after consulting with attorney Doron Shmuel, a Shas legal advisor, charging the planned “Shame Parade” is indeed a violation of section 214 of the penal code, prohibiting to’eva in any form. He alleges that City Hall by allocating NIS 300,000 for the event, and granting permits is indeed violating the law and as such, he is calling on police and the attorney general to stop it from taking place.

The parade follows this week’s Tel Aviv dedication of a community center for this segment of the population, to the tune of NIS 2 million, with leaders of the Open House as they call themselves boasting the center is the first of its kind in Israel and most likely the world.

Levi lamented the fact that Eretz Yisrael is home to such an abomination and vows to continue working to limit or eliminate the activities of the Open House entirely.

Shas MK Nissim Ze’ev explained that he and others are working to introduce legislation along the same lines, with an emphasis on ensuring such events are banned under the law from entering Yerushalayim at anytime in the future.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Whenever I see this community referred to as the “Toeiva Community,” I chuckle and think of Devarim 25:16, which uses precisely the same phrase to refer to those who conduct business dishonestly.

    The phrase is actually used very infrequently in the Pentateuch (I always wanted to use that word), but we tend to focus on one particular use.

  2. to #1 there is no organized movement to be oiver on the “toiavah ” of dishonest scales like there is organized movement to be oiver of the toiaveh in vayikra, so there is nothing to chuckle about. like we once saw article from a rabbi yakov spira(?),was at least 20 years ago so dont remeber his name exactly, lgabay the “g-y synaqoque” b’nogauah this inyon,si he mentoined ,there is nobody opening a shul with name, lets say, “chevray mechallelie shabbos” or in your case “chevrei dishonest scales” (translate it whichever way you want),yes ,we know there are people whe cant overcome temptations and are oiver avairos,and gor harbe, both toaivas ,but not go “knimrod gibor tzaid lifney hashem” and say we disregard this or that mitzvoh,so we dont know what you are medame lgabay whats going on, to the other its not we tend to focus on this not the other…

  3. Posters #1 & #2, another interesting thought in line with your points is that the term “sod***”, obviously derived from “Sodom” is used to refer to a specific act; yet the primary sin of the residents of Sodom was their oppression of the poor & their treatment of each other with respect to financial & related issues (and of course even the crime they attempted on the malachim visitng Lot was motivated by their hatred of guests & those who harbored them).

    Of course this is a sin, but I think that our attitude should be tempered by some sympathy for those who must fight this yatzer hara in order to fulfill the Torah.

  4. to #5 can you elaborate what you mean by sympathy…we are talking about organized parade to support this toaive, ‘k’nimrodd gibbor tzaid lifnei hashem” are you inferring that they should be permitted ,see post #4..are you referring to ignore people who are oiveir on this chiav koris, we should look away, so whats with hochiach tochiach..are you of the opinion that its outdated? then you are heretic as you are saying the riboni shel oilom doesnt know his creation and their needs, afre l’pima…so in what sense do you mean sympathy …is it we shouldnt take them an tear them limb to limb and make example out of them like those sub-human barbarians yishmaels einiklech do, we dont do that, so back to question ..give us sample of what you mean by showing sympathy… also there is such a thing as kleptpmania..will you show sympathy let them steal, too? there are those who have taive to ..we dont want to mention on torah site, so you will have sympathy on them too, after all all parties involved are maskim…

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