Peleg Protests Shut Down Bnei Brak; Police Use Water Canons And Horses, Multiple Arrests Made [VIDEOS]

The Peleg Yerushalmi is protesting in Bnei Brak on Sunday evening.

Highway 4 is totally shut near “Coca Cola”, as hundreds protest the arrest of a Yeshiva Bochur last week who refused to go to the draft office to get his deferment. His father is a Magid Shiur in a Peleg-affiliated Yeshiva.

Police have brought in water canons and police horses to try and disperse the protesters.

The entire Bnei Brak is in gridlock now due to the protests.

Arrests are reportedly underway.



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VIDEOS VIA שמעון ברוך ידיעות מהשטח בטלגרם / מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים / בני ברקים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. They should cause traffic gridlock in Tel Aviv during prime time business hours. That’ll accomplish more as it’ll cause the chilonim real pain.

  2. I am not מקנא the גהינם earned by obstructing the lives of so many others who are innocent.

    Personally, I wish Israel had a concept of domestic terrorism, because peleg would overqualify. Their message which some might argue is legitimate has long been drowned out by their tactics of public obstruction and violence. Their bitul Torah is overwhelming, and the sins caused by that outweigh all the benefits they claim from their mission.

  3. The police should be spraying them with boiling water, and non-stop until they disperse. Maybe even some water from the sewage system should also be sprayed upon them, and save the clean water for regular people to drink, and for agriculture, especially this year, as we stand less than 9 months away from onset of שמיטה
    As for the horses, they should have huge dogs running after these peleg savages, scaring them away.

  4. I wish I was there. These are the good Jews not the fake liberals who supported Biden. The israeli government hates Torah Jews. They only care about toeiva parades and corrupting Judaism. No real Jew should join such an evil army.

  5. Since this is not a clear consensus among rabbonim on this issue, it may very well be that the posting of this story and the comments on it constitute a violation of hilchos lashon horah. Learn Sefer Chofetz Chaim well!!

  6. Living here in Eretz Yisroel, I quickly learned that the streets are often blocked off for various reasons. Whether that be a levaya, wedding for grandchild of Rebbe/Rosh yeshiva, protests, gatherings of degel/Agudah and so on. Its just part of life here, “Oh rechov sarei yisroel is blocked off, ok”. Obviously sometimes its understandable and I agree with the reasoning, while other times it’s regular and frustrating ex: building the light rail has greatly increased traffic in my area. The noise level is at a all-time high and there are no pedestrian side walks right now…
    SO, the above posts seem a bit out of context esp “I am not מקנא the גהינם earned by obstructing the lives of so many others who are innocent.” they are not getting too much גהינם for protesting Zionism, no matter how warped their mindset is

  7. and although the dancing is done at the wrong time and place, I KNOW that deep, deep down the watching chayalim and shabak are jealous. They WISH to have the passion and yachdus and strength that the frum yidden have

  8. ujm and Yashar, what a zechut!!!! Hazal instituted a special addition to the Amidah in your honor – ve’la’malshinim al tehi tikvah.

    when a relative of yours God forbid dies on the way to the hospital because of the traffic consequences, you might have an appreciation of the rishis.

  9. With the entire country on the verge of a complete shutdown with Covid cases rising and the new strain of the virus growing, these animals are still allowed to engage in their demonstrations with the security forces treating them with kid gloves??? As others above have noted, treat them like the terrorists they are and create some deterrent with harsh physical force. Otherwise, it will be total chaos while the pandemic grows.

  10. This is the only language the Zionists understand, though, unfortunately, the Zionists still refuse to listen.

    The Zionists have to stop their shmad attacks on the Chareidim and let the Chareidim live and work in peace without requiring the Chareidim to do anything regarding the Zionist army which is a hotbed of all three of the cardinal sins, on top of the shmad.

    May we all merit greeting Moshiach, including the peaceful dismantlement of the Zionist State, BB”A

  11. Yashar, maybe it would be better if we were rounded up and brought to the gas chambers of Germany and Poland. Think before you speak about the destruction of Israel, it’s absolutely ridiculous.

  12. @DrYidd: See @R R R’s post from December 27, 2020, 4:06 pm. I do not believe your insulting comment about V’lamalshinim warrants a more detailed answer than that.
    @TGIShabbos: Thank you for not insinuating that I be uprooted, smashed, etc. (see text of V’lamalshinim), as was suggested by @DrYidd. However, regarding your post: I shudder at the blaspheme of your words. Do you truly believe that the disgusting, anti-halachic state of Israel — which, as, judging by your implication that you think (and, presumably, research) before you speak, you certainly know was founded against the wishes of the vast majority of Torah leaders at the time — is protecting us from another holocaust? The State of Israel is not hishtadlus; it is the opposite of hishtadlus… it is a slap in the face to the Torah! How can you suggest that it protects us. I advise that you focus a little bit on the words of the “V’haya im shamoa” paragraph in shema.
    To all, I repeat: We pray for the PEACEFUL and speedy disestablishment of the STATE of Israel.

  13. Yashar, did you know that human blood is permanent on a seder Torah, it doesnt come off? Through all the years of Muslim and Palestinian bloodshed in our Eretz Yisroel shuls, yeshivahs, and against men, women, and children, that somehow that if Israel and the IDF didn’t exist that our “lofty merits” of our learning, ravening, and abstaining from Loshon Hora- that we wouldn’t have these hardships? We are in Golus! That should have been the one takeaway from Chanukah for you. Just remember, blood doesn’t come off of a Torah, tzitzis, chumashim, or taleisim. I’m going to continue doing my part and daven/learn, but also realize that because we are in golus, we also need the IDF and State of Israel.

  14. @TGIShabbos: This is not the forum to actually present an analysis of whetehr tehre has or has not been more bloodshed due to the State of Israel. I simply thought that it owuld be sufficient to point out the obvious blaspheme inherent in your words. Since you do not agree with me that your opinion is blasphemous, I do indeed need to present the above-referenced analysis; unfortunately, due to the lack of an appropriate forum, I will pass up that opportunity. It does intrigue me, however, that you can believe that a state which I am sure you would agree completely flaunts religious practice openly in the palterin shel melech… is actually lending physical protection to klal Yisroel. It seems to fly in the face of our entire belief system (again, see “V’haya”). Let me be clear, I am not saying that we do not, in the current, unfortunately already created State of Israel, require a standing army. In theory, if the state would allow for it, there would be a chiyuv (lechoireh… I cannot swear to it because I am neither a posek nor a manhig — but lechoireh) for specifically the frummest of the yeshivahleit to train under war-experienced talmidei chachamim (from top to bottom… without any kofrim above-head: not a prime minister, not a ramat kal, etc.) in order to be able to constitute a standing army al derech hatorah. Unfortunately, the situation in Eretz Yisroel today completely precludes such a possibility. And to assume that the current army, which tramples actively upon Judaism (to all the idiots, no I’m not referring to Nachal Chareidi, etc. — gosh!… not that I personally necessarily follow the gedolim who approved of Nachal Chareidi, just that I know it was approved by gedolim before whom I tremble), is providing us with physical protection, is, I believe, a heretical belief. Lastly, what did you mea by the Chanukah reference. I didn’t understand.

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