YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 6/05/08

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*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron during the night arrested 16 suspects. They were turned over to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) for questioning. There were no reports of injuries to IDF troops.

*A rocket fired at a Gaza fuel terminal injured an Arab. Responding to the attack on Wednesday, Israel closed the Nachal Oz Fuel Terminal which was supplying fuel and cooking gas as well as diesel fuel to Gazans.

*An Arab infiltrator from Gaza was apprehended by security forces near Nachal HaBasor.

*Three mortar shells fired from Gaza land near border fence. No injuries or damage reported.

*3 border policemen were lightly injured by rocks in the Bedouin village of Trabin in the south. Reinforcements were sent to restore order.

*Peirot Checkpoint, near Alfei Menashe in northern Shomron: Arabs brought a 40-year-old Arab male in serious condition due to gunshot to abdomen. Authorities are investigating.


*PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) is calling for renewed dialogue with Hamas. Hamas announced it welcomes the move.

*IDF soldiers on Wednesday evening extricated a man from a minefield near Majdal Shams. He was then taken by authorities for questioning to determine why he entered the northern area minefield.

*Kadima officials report that prior to his departure to Washington, PM Olmert stated he does not support Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz as his replacement as party leader.

*Right-wing protestors were on hand when President Shimon Peres arrived at an event in Ariel in Shomron. They carried signs including, “Peres is president of Palestine” and “Peres is an Oslo criminal”.

*A Hatzolah first-response motorcycle was stolen from King George Street in downtown Yerushalayim on Wednesday morning. The motorcycle’s number is 171 and the license plate number is 59-107-62.

*Fire department and other emergency services on Wednesday morning participated in en emergency preparedness drill in the boy’s Makif School in the eastern capital.

*An indictment was filed against former Finance Minister Avraham Hirschson who is alleged to have made off with over NIS 2 million. He voluntarily waved his parliamentary immunity.

*The levaya of Yael Anetdinov HY”D took place at Shamgar Funeral Home in Yerushalayim on Wednesday at noon.

*A Rishon L’Tzion meat factory worker was crushed to death when a large frozen block of meat fell on him.

*Amended Jerusalem Basic Law bill sponsored by MK (NRP) Zevulun Orlev passed its preliminary vote in Knesset on Wednesday by a 58-12 margin. The bill declares Yerushalayim is the eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish People.

*A patient was expelled from Beilinson Hospital emergency room after he began throwing supplies at a physician on Wednesday.

*A bill by Yisrael Beitenu MK Sofia Landver passed preliminary vote, exempting residents over 80-years-old from paying annual arnona property tax in recognition for their contribution to building the state.

*AG Mazuz: He will not launch an investigation against MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad who stated the prime minister is guilty of treason for holding talks with Syria to give away the Golan, adding treason is punishable by the death sentence.

*5 pirate radio stations in the Haifa area were closed on Wednesday by police and Communications Ministry agents. Officials report the radio broadcasts interfered with air traffic communications.

*4 Gazans awarded Fulbright scholarships were permitted to travel from Gaza to US Consulate in Yerushalayim to continue visa process. 3 others still await permission from Israel.

*An El Al 757 with eight people on board touched down safely in Ben-Gurion Airport on Wednesday afternoon after a level 2 state-of-emergency was declared, apparently after the pilot reported problems with the craft’s generators.

*An 11-year-old was hit by a car in Jerusalem’s Talpiot neighborhood and seriously injured. Hatzolah responded to provide initial care. He was then transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital trauma unit by a paramedic advanced life support ambulance.

*Barak Obama tells AIPAC audience that Jerusalem must remain the undivided Israeli capital forever, vowing to use America’s military as necessary against the Iranian threat.

*Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, speaking from Rome, warned continued settlement activity will hamper peace efforts.

*FM Tzipi Livni met on Wednesday with representatives of Gush Katif expellees to hear complaints and receive a status report from them. She promised to convene officials to address their current difficulties.

*Heichal Baruch Shul on King David Street in Yerushalayim was badly damaged in fire on Wednesday. Significant damage reported to seforim but Baruch Hashem, sifrei Torah were undamaged, locked in fireproof Aron Kodesh.

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