Tal Calls on Olmert to Admit the Error of His Ways

Kadima MK David Tal, who chairs the Knesset House Committee, upon his recent return from the United States is calling on party leader Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to step up and publicly admit the error of his ways – namely that the disengagement from Gaza in 2005 was a mistake. He stated the time has come for the party to admit is made a major error.

“One needn’t be a chief of staff to realize it was a mistake. One need only look at the rocket attacks, the fatalities and the injuries in Sderot and Ashkelon to understand.”

Interestingly, Tali is a political survivor, beginning his career with Shas, then seeing he was slipping too far down the party roster – he made the move to One Nation, which is now defunct. He then made the move to Ariel Sharon when the former prime minister launched Kadima. He is currently reported to be seeking a new home prior to the next general elections.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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