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MK Dov Lipman on the Rabin Assassination

lMK (Yesh Atid) Rabbi Dov Lipman this week commented on the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin as the nation marked the 18th yahrzeit. Lipman held and viewed the gun used in the assassination (see photo) and released the following comment on his Facebook page.

“This is the gun that was used to change history, to violate democracy, and to murder Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin – a great leader and Israeli hero. While on a tour of the state archives, I was suddenly handed this horrific weapon. My hands shook and I felt sick inside. How did we reach a point where a Jew killed the Prime Minister of Israel? It is simply not fathomable and so painful. I hope we will never forget the dangers of incitement and hatred. As we commemorate the 18th anniversary of the assassination, may all of us learn from this tragedy and commit to remaining unified and non-violent as a people alongside heated and civil political debate

“May the memory of Prime Minister Rabin be a source of blessing”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. I had given this individual the benefit of doubt as to his sincerity and posiitions. Untill now. He is just another empty politician worshiping the Idol of Rabin, an undemocratic, unstable, cynic rasha with the blood of the survivors of the Altalena, and the blodd of victims of Oslo on his hands.

  2. This gun did not change history as it was already in use at the Altalena ship affair where yitzchak rabin was behind the murder of 16 Jews.
    And who can forget or forgive the monstrous Oslo Agreement devised by yitzchak rabin that led directly to 1,500 Israelis being murdered and more than 14,000 maimed. His memory and legacy will surely not be a blessing or anything to be proud of by any Israeli or anyone else.

  3. Oslo…. Rabin was ready to give in to the arab enemies and the result was the death of thousands of Jews. There will be no peace as long as the arabs seek to drive us from our land. Land for peace is a complete fantasy without any reality. Witness our ‘peace partners’ incitement to murder Jews, incitement to destroy our holy places.

  4. I do not believe in many conspiracy theories but that gun did not kill Rabin. The Shin Bet gets all the credit, for the murder and for orchestrating an unbelievable cover up and framing making it look as if Yigal committed the murder and even having Yigal believe he did it and proud that he did it.

  5. #8 why you trying to take the Zechot away from HaRav Yigal Amir Shlitta? (Yes he is a Rav, he knows more Torah then the everage Rav, I would saiy even more, but you can get the point).

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