Chabadnik R”L Dies of Deadly Bacteria

candle74.gifRamot resident 27-year-old Yisroel Tzaddok Gold Z”L was niftar on Wednesday in Yerushalayim’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, succumbing to a deadly bacteria. R’ Tzaddok was admitted on Tuesday and his condition continued to deteriorate. Doctors are not calling it meningitis, but are stating the cause of death was a “deadly bacteria”.

Rav Tzaddok Z”L was affiliated with Yeshivas Toras Emes in Yerushalayim. He was a son of Rav Yechezkel Gold, a prominent Chabad chossid.

His Levaya will be held 4:00pm in Shamgar Funeral Home.

2 Responses

  1. #1 well said just what I was about to write!!

    How sad that even when tradgedy strucks we still lack in unity – we are one big family – children of Hashem – and now a brother was taken away from us tragicly.We must all unite and do teshuvah! especialy in “ahavas yisrael” and “ahavas chinam”.
    It shoul be a good chodesh for all of am yisrael!

  2. While from one perspective labeling a niftar is perhaps inappropriate, the label “Chabadnik” is a badge of honor, which demonstrates that the individual thus named strove to increase chochmoh, binoh, and da’as in the derech haTorah forged by his father, shlita, and the generations of chassidim who have gone before him. תנצב”ה

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