Israel: 317,556 Cases, 2,597 Deaths: Strip-Mall Store Owners Revolt

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 754 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, with coronavirus tests reflecting a positivity rate of 2%. There are currently 9,406 active virus cases, with 353 seriously ill patients, of whom 154 are ventilated. The death toll stands at 2,597.

The coronavirus cabinet on Wednesday approved the reopening of street-front stores in green zones on Sunday under strict virus regulations, including service being limited to only four customers at a time. Health Minister Yuli Edelstein and outgoing coronavirus czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu opposed the move, with Edelstein warning that any further easing of restrictions could lead to further virus outbreaks and a third lockdown.

Stores located in malls and open-air shopping centers will remain closed, a fact which has sparked outrage among business owners of stores in open-air strip malls, who say that there is no difference between stores located on the street to stores in open-air shopping centers.

Business owners, stretched to the breaking point due to financial woes caused by Israel’s first and second lockdowns, have been engaging in protests, with some even setting their merchandise on fire in the street.

An alliance of business owners of retail chain stores sent a letter to the members of the coronavirus cabinet before the meeting on Wednesday, threatening that if stores on the street are allowed to reopen while stores in open-air malls must remain closed, they will nevertheless open their stores on Sunday, contrary to the regulations.

Earlier this week, the Big retail chain outlet called on strip-mall store owners to reopen in “green” areas, and a number of other Israeli retail chain outlets followed suit.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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