1 In 5 Israeli Bochurim In Yeshiva ‘Capsules’ Contracted COVID-19

Yeshivas Chevron, one of the few yeshivas that didn't suffer a COVID outbreak during the Elul zeman.

One out of five yeshiva bochurim in “capsule” programs in Israeli yeshivas contracted the coronavirus during the Elul zeman in August through September, Channel 13 News reported this week.

According to the report, about 6,500-7,000 yeshiva bochurim out of the 35,000 who attended yeshivos using capsule programs tested positive for the coronavirus.

Widespread outbreaks were identified in many yeshivos right before the end of the zeman after Yom Kippur, forcing bochurim to stay in coronavirus hotels for Sukkos instead of traveling home.

Yeshivas Chevron, which was one of the few yeshivos that ended the zeman with zero coronavirus cases among its 1,200 bochurim and which has a large campus, was converted into a coronavirus hotel after the bochurim left and hundreds of bochurim from other yeshivos spent Sukkos there.

It is thought that the outbreaks were caused by the bochurim being exposed to staff members and/or violations of the capsule regulations. Chevron was known to be extremely stringent in enforcing the regulations.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. i.e. the problem doesn’t come from foreigners entering Israel:- Sp please please reopen borders, and let us see our children in Israel:- We are pleading with you!!!!

    Our children don’t have Corona, and we don’t have Corona.

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