Yom Yerushalayim – 28 Iyar

On Sunday night and Monday, Jerusalemites and Israelis around the country will mark Yom Yerushalayim. In Yerushalayim, it will also bring an end to a year of festivities marking forty years since the liberation of the Holy City which occurred in June 1967.

On Sunday night events will take place in the downtown area. On Monday, between 15:00-16:30, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky will greet visitors at the Migdal Dovid Museum.

The annual Flag Parade will take place from 15:30-22:30, in which tens of thousands will march down the streets of the capital and make their way to the Kosel for special tefillos.

During the day, City Hall will provide special tours for visitors. At night, a special event will be hosted in Teddy Stadium for thousands of invited guests.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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