Why Are Twice The No. Of Seriously Ill COVID Patients In Israel Male Vs. Female?

Illustrative. Defense Minister Benny Gantz crouches to speak with a Chareidi coronavirus patient in Rambam Hospital. (Rambam Hospital Spokesperson)

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in China, there have been reports that the virus affects men more seriously than women. However, during the first coronavirus wave in Israel, there wasn’t a significant difference between the number of male and female seriously ill coronavirus patients.

However, the situation has changed and in the past two weeks, there has been a marked increase in the number of seriously ill male patients in Israel as a result of the coronavirus, with over twice the amount of male patients who are currently sedated and ventilated than female patients.

The percentage of male ventilated patients aged 60-69 is 24.2% while the percentage of female ventilated patients of the same age is only 5.8%. In other age groups, the disparity between male and female seriously ill patients is also significant although not as dramatic as the 60-69 group.

Doctors are unsure why this disparity exists but it’s very possible that it’s related to the Yamim Noraim tefillos and tefillos in general, as well as other gatherings such as levayos for Rebbes and Rabbanim, which are attended by far more men than women.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I know of a family who got Corona. When they tested for antibodies, only the father and the boys had antibodies; the girls didn’t. It could be that females immune system is stronger. Research also shows that is have affected the fertility of 50% of males that have received it. Perhaps that has something to do with that. We won’t know the ultimate effects of this disease until years later r”l.

  2. That reasoning is nonsense. Women are catching the virus just like the men are. The difference is their reaction to the virus. More men become seriously ill and need ventilation. The women’s condition is usually not as serious.

  3. what a stupid statement because those men come home to there wifes and children and no one is social distance at home then in shul and no one where’s masks at home,
    obviesly they have stronger immune system
    when it comes to blames our ruchnies for the issues the yatzer hura is so big that we don’t even need common sense….
    and can someone explain me why in the entire word even by non jews why is the men rate higher ?????

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