Terrorists Represent a Significant Threat in Gaza

The weekend discovery of weapons in two separate locations in Sinai by Egyptian military authorities only serve to confirm the military threat to Israel from Gaza is a formidable one.

Two caches of weapons were uncovered, one 80 kilometers (48 miles) from Rafiah and the second about 4 kilometers (2.4 miles) from the Gaza crossing. The weapons found included anti-aircraft rockets, thousands of rounds of ammunition, TNT and launchers for RPGs.

Israeli officials sometime ago became aware of the growing threat in Gaza, including terrorists’ abilities to fire at combat helicopters. The IAF sometime ago began taking such a threat into consideration, altering the operating height of attack craft since if Hamas terrorists successfully downed an Apache helicopter over Gaza, it would represent a major military and moral victory for terrorists.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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