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He Dug His Own Grave At Age 13 & Lived 76 More Yrs. Until The Covid-19 Pandemic

HaRav Yechezkel Eisenberg, z’l, a Gerrer chassid and resident of Bnei Brak, passed away of the coronavirus at the age of 89 on Simchas Torah in Ma’anyei Hayeshua Hospital.

Rav Eisenberg was born in Lodz, Poland and was nine when the war broke out. Toward the end of the war, when he was still miraculously alive in the Lodz ghetto, he was rounded up by the Germans along with hundreds of other Jews. They were ordered to dig a pit at the entrance to the local cemetery where the Germans planned on shooting them prior to fleeing the city from the oncoming Allied forces.

Yechezkel, 13, along with several other Jews, fled from the scene and hid among the kevarim in the cemetery for several days until the Germans had retreated. He was the only survivor of his family.

Following the war, he moved to Eretz Yisrael, where he became a known and respected member of the Gerrer community in Bnei Brak. He left behind 11 children and over 500 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Israel is not to my knowledge using the Zelenko protocol since Litzman left the Health Ministry.
    Dr Zelenko was just interviewed with another professor about COVID and his protocol on the Arutz7 website (Israel national news) where he says that the new Zhealth minister will not respond to his calls to use the protocol.
    I have four relatives who were saved with his protocol.

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