Israel: 283,532 Cases, 1,846 Deaths: 51% Of Students With COVID-19 Are Chareidi

Coronavirus testing at a Talmud Torah in Kiryat Malachi (Photo: Chaim Tuito)

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 4,117 new coronavirus cases on Thursday morning. The rate of positive virus tests continues to drop and is currently at 8.5%, the lowest in the past three weeks.

There are currently 61,049 active virus patients, with 878 seriously ill, of whom 236 are ventilated. Forty-three more death were recorded, raising the death toll to 1,846.

Over 50% of Israel’s students who contracted the coronavirus attend schools that are part of the Chareidi school system, the Education Ministry stated on Thursday.

There are 448,298 students in the Chareidi school system – 19.39% of all Israelis students, and 1.75% of them have contracted the coronavirus – 51.18% of all students. The majority of students who contracted the virus are aged 16-18.

In the general educational system, 0.63% of students have contracted the coronavirus.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. And how many of the Chareidi students are on ventilators? How many Chareidi students have died? How many yeshivos have closed for good due to a dearth of living students?

    When they say “contracted” the virus, are they referring to testing positive on a standard (e.g. nose) test, testing positive for antibodies, or becoming ill? Does YWN even understand the difference.

    Why not prevents facts in context rather than sensationalistic “yellow” journalism?

  2. @apurkema this refers to the students that test positive, often using nasal swabs. There has been minimal antibody testing in EY. The issue is not how many students are in vents (there have been a few) but how many of their rabbeim, moros, parents, roshei yeshiva and neighbors have it as a result. And there have been many deaths as a result.

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