YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 6/01/08

yw_israel17.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel 7:00AM IL)


*Egyptian security forces report a quantity of warfare intended for use in Gaza was uncovered in Sinai.

*A security official on patrol in Kedumim in Shomron was injured in his head by a rock thrown by an Arab on Shabbos. He was transported to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.

*PA sources reported on Saturday night that one man was killed and 16 injured when explosives they were handling in Gaza went off.

*Saturday night – 20:47 – A Kassam rocket landed in an open area in the Western Negev. No injuries.

*IAF during the night targeted a Kassam rocket cell in Gaza.


*A resident of the Arab village of Ilut in the north was arrested on Shabbos after running a police checkpoint and lightly injuring a policeman. The driver appeared under the influence of alcohol. His wife and a child were in the vehicle. The injured policeman was transported to a hospital.

*Two Dan Region MDA ambulances were involved in Friday afternoon accidents. There were no injuries report but the vehicles were damaged.

*PM Olmert is scheduled to leave for Washington on Monday. He will be meeting with President Bush, Vice President Cheney and will address an AIPAC event.

*Former Justice Minister and head of Shinui Party Tommy Lapid dies of cancer at the age of 77.

*Surgeons around the country on Sunday will only perform urgent procedures as protests continue following last week’ assault against a physician in Kaplan Hospital. The doctor, who was stabbed 6 times, is listed in moderate condition on Sunday.

*Civil Service social workers continuing work sanctions on Sunday.

One Response

  1. *PPM Bush is scheduled to leave for Washington on Monday. He will be meeting with President Bush, Vice President Cheney and will address an AIPAC event.

    I assume its a mistake, or a jab?

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