B’Chasdei Hashem, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Continues His Usual Sukkos Routine

HaRav Chaim Kanievsky on Motzei Sukkos Photo: Shuki Lehrer

The family members of Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky stated on Motzei Shabbos that the Rav has continued to feel well, Baruch Hashem, and is continuing his sidrei limmud as usual in the sukkah.

HaRav Chaim was diagnosed with the coronavirus on Thursday evening and is under close medical supervision at home.

The photographer Shuki Lehrer, who had the coronavirus about a month and a half ago and is currently immune, was allowed into the Sukkah of HaRav Chaim on Motzei Shabbos/Yom Tov, where he photographed the Gadol washing mayim acharonim for melave malke and learning in the Sukkah.

HaRav Chaim was asked on Friday what people could do for the sake of the Rav’s refuah and he requested that men should complete Masechtas Brachos and both men and women recite ten pirkei Tehillim.

The public is asked to continue to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim ben Pesha Miriam b’soch shaar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. The photographer Shuki Lehrer, who had the coronavirus about a month and a half ago and is currently immune, was allowed into the Sukkah

    Excuse Me????

    There is no immunity to this virus?

    I personally know many people who have had it twice or even three times, so please , that is a lie

  2. I didn’t know Rav Chaim wears a shtreimel anyone know why, and if he always does that or only did it once for some reason? Also as far as the photographer having immunity I imagine he still socially distanced mostly. Also most people do have immunity from a previous infection (most as in not all so diont assume youdefinitely hav eimmunity ) but within 3 months it is much more accepted thaat once no longer contagious from first infection people are almost certainly immune for 3 months from the initial exposure (only after recovery from first infection and again not definite but pretty close)

  3. Be very careful what you comment on a godol.
    And yes there is something called immunity I’m immune along time already.

  4. @honesty
    I guess that you don’t think that Talmud Torah is that important because at the beginning of covid rav chaim said to learn and learn. and that is one of the ways this virus will end.

  5. Rav Chaim wears a shtreimel for kidush and birchas hamazon on yom tov. The story behind this is that when he became a son in law of Rav Eliyashiv, the kalla’s grandfather, Rav Aryeh Levine gave him a shtreimel to wear for when he came to Yerushalyim for shabbos or yom tov so that he would not look out of place. The Steipler told him that there is no reason for him to wear it and instead took it for himself and would wear it for birkas hamozon for shalosh seudohs. After the Steipler was niftar the shtreimal sat in a bag for a few years and was found to be ruined when they opened it. Then Rav Eliyashiv got a new shtreimel and gave his old one to rav Chaim, and since then he has been wearing it for kidush and bentching on yomim tovim.

  6. His father and him wear it on a few occasions because their family were Chassidish (Hornosteipel, hence “The Steipler” nicknamed after his hometown) a few generations ago

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