WATCH THIS: Simchas Bais Hashoeva At Chevron Yeshivah “Coronavirus Hotel”

In the wake of coronavirus outbreaks at multiple Israeli yeshivas discovered right before the end of the zeman, about a thousand yeshivah bochurim who are positive for the coronavirus are spending Sukkos in Yeshivas Chevron, which was converted into a coronavirus hotel.

Yeshivas Chevron, one of the largest Israeli yeshivos, was one of the few which managed to reach the end of the zeman with no coronavirus cases among its bochurim.

The Chevron bochurim all went home on Motzei Yom Kippur and the campus was prepared to house hundreds of bochurim from other yeshivos who were positive for the coronavirus.

Below, bochurim from Rashi Yeshivah, currently staying at Chevron, sing and dance together on Chol Hamoed.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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