Armor-Plated Tractors – What Next?

In what may be viewed as a seemingly positive step, the government is funding armor-plating for tractors that will permit Greater Sderot Area farmers to work their fields in relative safety from sniper and rocket attacks.

The ongoing warfare from Gaza has all but halted farmers, since working the fields with no shelter results in their being targets for sniper fire from northern Gaza or in the event of a rocket attack, leaving them with no where to run.

The Defense and Agriculture Ministries has allocated NIS 3 million towards providing 20 armored tractors for use in the area.

Four tractors will be tested and if deemed acceptable, the project will move ahead. The cost of modifying one tractor is estimated at NIS 150,000. The program will get underway in June and it should be completed by the end of the summer.

While Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai praised the move towards assisting farmers, others view it as yet another pathetic defensive move which in no way absolves the government and the IDF from bringing an end to the rocket attacks which began over seven years ago.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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