Livni Calls on Kadima to Prepare for Elections

In her address on Thursday in the Inbal Hotel to the international security conference, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni stated the party must prepare for elections in order to be ready for any event.

Livni stated that she personally believes in the primaries system, stating Kadima must elect a new leader following this week’s dramatic events regarding the investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the Kadima leader.

Livni stated that once a new party leader is elected, Kadima will be better prepared to move forward towards national elections. She explained the issue of the prime minister’s investigation is not just his own personal matter, but it impacts the party and it has ramifications that must be addressed.

Interestingly, her remarks were met with an angered response by party colleague Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who views himself as a contender in the party leadership race. He seems to have replaced Livni as Olmert’s closest party ally, jumping at the opportunity to attack Livni for her remarks against Olmert as he continues his campaign to gain support for an upcoming primary election.

According to the most recent polls, Livni leaders in the Kadima party leadership race.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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