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WATCH THIS: Breslover Chassidim Hold Tefillos In A Munkatch Prison, In Uman And Belarus

Some Breslover chassidim were lucky enough to spend Rosh Hashanah in Uman but others didn’t manage to reach their desired destination before Yom Hadin.

Those who were stranded on the Belarus-Ukraine border spent Rosh Hashana at various locations in Belarus including Pinsk.

Seven Breslover chassidim ended up spending Rosh Hashanah in a Munkatch prison after they were arrested trying to enter Ukraine through Romania.

Attempts to release the chassidim before Rosh Hashanah failed. The Ohel Yechiel Michel hachnasas orchim in Uman sent the chassidim a shofar and kosher food via a non-Jewish deliveryman who took a video of them davening in the prison.

Below is a video of chassidim in Uman:

And in Pinsk:

And the Munkatch prison:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The world is so upside down with the chineese virus hitting most jewish communities and so many yidden nebech in hospitals and in eretz yisroel over 20 poeple died during rosh hashona and we shouldnt worry about those yidde who refused to stay home for yom tov and wound up in Munkatch prison.
    I wanted to go to Tosh Rebbe zt”l in the summer to his yurzeit but i knew Canada dosent allow any US citizens in so i did not go.Period if a government stops tourism or pilgrimige then you stay home and do not put yourself in a prison…

  2. Seeing the video of Chassidim dancing in Pinsk with no social distancing makes it clear why the Ukranian government did not allow them into their country.

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