Student Entry to Israel Abruptly Halted – NO PERMITS TO BE ISSUED

The following important update was released moments ago by the Chaim VChessed Organization:

Israel will be entering a shutdown on Erev Rosh Hashana. In conjunction with this, on Thursday, September 17, the Interior Ministry suddenly announced that, effective immediately, no permits to enter Israel will be issued to students.

As reported previously, thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz, head of the Vaad of Yeshivas and Seminaries, last month, a process was established to allow entry of foreign students into Israel. This process has allowed thousands of students to return to their studies in the Holy Land. Now, this process has been suspended, until the conclusion of the lockdown.

The Interior Ministry announcement states that students who have already received permits will be allowed to enter Israel, even during the lockdown. Supposedly, the process will be re-started after the lockdown concludes. The lockdown is currently scheduled to end on October 10.

It is still unclear if entry permits will continue to be issued for exceptional circumstances, such as weddings, bar mitzvas and births. Sources tell Chaim V’Chessed that these permits will continue to be granted. However, we have not been able to obtain confirmation of this.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Any country that allows Americans to enter right now is nuts. Our national leadership is promoting the opposite of the correct policies.

  2. It’s relevant for those who bought flights for after the Yomim Tovim. The Israeli Government only gives a entry permit up to two weeks before the flight. Now anyone with those flights might not be able to make it into the country, as we don’t know yet if or when they’ll start giving permits again. Even if they do after the lockdown ends, it’s very likely the three week lockdown will be extended.

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