It’s Final – No Funds for Monthly Child Allowance

yishai1.jpgIn a meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Shas Ministers Eli Yishai and Ariel Atias, Olmert stated, “Sorry, I cannot approve the funds for the child allowance. The Chilonim (secular) will kill me,” the weekly Mishpacha Magazine quotes the prime minister as saying.

In the meantime, Shas has apparently come to the realization that Olmert and Finance Minister Roni Bar-On are not going to budge, firm in their opposition to Shas’ ultimatum. Shas threatened to break away from the coalition if the monthly child allowance payments are not increased.

In the meantime, until Shas makes good on its threat, party ministers are expected to absent themselves from important votes in a sign of protest and towards weakening the government.

The party’s Council of Torah Sages is scheduled to meet next week to make a decision regarding Shas’ future in the Olmert-led coalition.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Mr. Olmert – thank you very much

    kudos to the israeli government for standing its ground. It’s about time they stod up for something.

    As for Shas leaving … i’ll believe it when I see it … they have too much to lose, that they are not going to leave … their is other money flowing that has the potential to stop.

  2. Dont they see that they are playing into Olmert’s hands? This is exactly what Olmert wants that the government should collapse over his refusal to give the chareidim money rather than over his acceptance of bribery and other sins. In the chiloni world, this will evoke sympathy and respect that even in his weakened situation he is standing firm against the “parasites”. This will cause just more chareidi bashing in the press and positive reactions and forgiveness to the crook Olmert. Even to the frum community it is so transparent that this is all a show to try and beat Barak in the race to topple Olmert. If child benefits were so important to these Shass ministers then where were they the last two years? You think the chareidim are so stupid to believe that they care about them suddenly now when they smell elections brewing? If anyone deserves respect in this child benefit story it is Reb Yacov Litzman of Aguda. All Shas have really cared about the last two years is jobs for themselves and their close friends, including (mainly) the position of Rabbi of Yerushalayim for the son of HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita which due to the possibility of elections may be delayed again. In my opinion they are not only an embarrassment to all sephardim but foolish in their politics too. Why help Olmert now?

  3. Decisions have to be made, not easy!!
    So many times we have heard that SHAS is leaving, will this be the straw that breaks the camels back. Who know? not me for sure.

  4. This is typical chiluni hypocrisy. The child allowance isn’t just for chareidim, it’s for EVERYONE in Israel (sorry to say, but Arabs too). If the chilunim aren’t having babies then it’s their own fault and nobody elses. And then they complain that the chareidim are taking over their country! Quit whining and have some kids of your own!!! Then these same chilunim who DON’T have enough children to replace their own population AND abort 50,000 babies each year (because actually having children might interfere with their goyishe hedonistic lifestyle) complain that the chareidim don’t serve in the army. Pardon me if I do a little devils arithmatic: the TOTAL chareidi population in Israel is -what?- less than 500k while the chilunim kill 50k future IDF personel each year. Typical chiluni zionist (goyishe) attitude: create a problem for yourself and then blame it on religious Jews.

  5. #charlie hall: is this piece of information supposed to be comforting? Since when does even one Jewish woman kill her baby????????

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