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Mofaz Promises Imrpoved Road to Kever Rashbi

rashbi small1.jpgIn response to harsh criticism from United Torah Judaism MK Rav Meir Porush, Transportation Minister (Kadima) Shaul Mofaz promised to suggest to the government that the necessary funds be allocated to improve the road leading to Kever Rashbi to facilitate access next year on Lag B’Omer.

Mofaz stated Porush is indeed correct and the government failed to see the need in advance, explaining the issue slipped through the cracks since it is relevant to a number of ministries, including transportation, tourism, religious services and Israel Police.

Mofaz added that he has instructed his ministry’s director-general to investigate what went wrong with the public transportation on Lag B’Omer that resulted in so many travelers getting stranded.

Mofaz also signaled he may bring the Kever Rashbi issue to the Ministerial Ceremonies Committee, stating Lag B’Omer demands more government attention and budgeting to permit the annual event to be held in the proper atmosphere.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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