Rav Weiss a Candidate to Replace Rav Druckman

While the giyur controversy is far from over, the Prime Minister’s Office is already searching for a candidate to replace HaRav Chaim Druckman Shlita, who was recently dismissed as head of the nation’s conversion program, reportedly due to his age, 75.

Adding fuel to the fire, it appears the main contender for the post is former IDF Chief Rabbi Yisrael Weiss, who does not enjoy support of the Dati Leumi community to put it mildly. Serving as the army’s top rabbi in 2005, during the implementation of the disengagement, Brigadier-General Weiss absolutely opposed calls from prominent rabbanim for soldiers to disobey orders, insisting soldiers must comply with regulations and drag Jews from their Gaza and northern Shomron homes.

Weiss played an active role in the implementation of the expulsion of close to 10,000 Jews from the former flourishing Gush Katif communities. Only after the fact and his decision to leave the military did he publicly apologize and admit that he made a grave error in judgment.

He is also not overly respected by the chareidi community for his connection with the Netiv course, which resulted in many more geirim serving in the IDF during his tenure.

Weiss stated he views himself as a suitable candidate, adding Rav Druckman is “my mori v’rebi”.

Earlier in the week, the legal advisor to the Civil Service Authority wrote an opinion recommending extending Rav Druckman’s contract until a replacement is appointed.

As such, the Prime Minister’s Office has frozen his dismissal until a replacement is found. Rav Druckman was scheduled to end his term at the end of June.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. is it not sad that these so called rabbonim
    work for and get paid by a goverment
    that hates everything they represent
    how can they pasken without any prejudice ??!!
    just wondering ,,,

  2. funny, how the same rabbis who told the soldiers to disobey their orders, did not protest politicaly, but rather “abstained” from the vote, which is just as bat as voting yes in my books

    but then again, as long as the money keeps coming, they will keep on playing politics

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