115,057 Cases, 922 Deaths: Coronavirus Cabinet Passes “Traffic Light” Plan

Prof. Ronni Gamzu presenting "traffic light" model. (Health Ministry)

Israel’s Health Ministry recorded 1,102 new coronavirus cases on Monday morning. There are currently 20,334 active cases, with 453 seriously ill patients, of whom 123 are ventilated.

Fourteen additional coronavirus fatalities were recorded in the last 24 hours, raising the death toll to 922.

Israel’s coronavirus cabinet unanimously approved coronavirus czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu’s “traffic light” model for combating the spread of the coronavirus on Sunday evening.

The plan, which divides Israel into 250 regional and local councils and designates them as “red,” “orange,” “yellow,” or “green” according to their infection rates, will go into effect on September 6. Municipal authorities, assisted by the IDF’s Homefront Command, will be responsible for implementing restrictions in their cities according to their designated statuses.

Following the meeting, Gamzu said that a color willl be assigned to every Israel city. “Each resident should know the color of his or her city,” Gamzu said. “The fight against coronavirus will move from Jerusalem to the municipal authorities.”

“The red and orange cities will get restrictions – lots of restrictions. The educational system will probably be closed, there will be restrictions on businesses, commercial activity and restrictions on movement, and maybe even a lockdown.”

Gamzu reportedly pushed for schools in red zones to remain closed on the first day of schools, on Tuesday, September 1, asserting that they should open only after Sukkos, but Educational Minister Yoav Gallant and the other ministers were strongly opposed and voted to open all schools.

However, following the meeting, Gamzu published a statement saying that “a decision has not yet been reached about the opening of schools in red zones.”

“The opening of the school year in red zones will lead to a spike in coronavirus cases in those cities and in other cities,” he asserted.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. but Educational Minister Yoav Gallant and the other ministers were strongly opposed and voted to open all schools. Literally nothing short of a full fledged Murderer, who hasn’t learned his lesson from Gymnasia school reopening in אייר which caused entire 2nd spike in Israel.

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