Twitter Marks “Star Of David” As “Hateful Imagery” And Locking Account That Display One

Twitter has deemed the Star of David, a symbol of Judaism and Jewish pride, to be “hateful imagery”, and is locking the accounts of users who display it.

Several Twitter users have contacted Campaign Against Antisemitism in recent days reporting that their accounts have been locked, and Twitter has provided the following rationale: “What happened? We have determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules. Specifically for: Violating our rules against posting hateful imagery. You may not use hateful images or symbols in your profile image or profile header. As a result, we have locked your account.”

The social media platform advises users that if they delete the “hateful imagery”, i.e. the Star of David, the account may be unlocked.

The Stars of David in the profile pictures of locked accounts vary from artistic blue Stars of David and graffitied white Stars of David to, most ironically, a portfolio of yellow Stars of David.

Stephen Silverman, Director of Investigations and Enforcement at Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: “It is deplorable enough that Twitter consistently fails to act against antisemitism on its platform, but now it is taking action against Jews for the simple crime of showing pride in their identity by displaying a Star of David. It never fails to astound just how low Twitter is prepared to go.

“So often social media companies claim that they lack the resources to tackle hate on their platforms, but Twitter has put the lie to that claim by demonstrating that it does have the resources, but chooses to target the benign symbol of a victimized minority instead of the countless racists who use its platform with impunity.

“Twitter must immediately restore these accounts, apologize to the owners, and pledge finally to take robust action against the antisemites whom it has enabled for so long.”

Recently, Twitter refused to take action against the viral antisemitic hashtag #JewishPrivilege, and earlier this year the social media giant was forced to apologize for permitting advertisements to be micro-targeted at neo-Nazis and other bigots.

Campaign Against Antisemitism continues its robust engagement with social media companies over the content that they enable to be published, and we continue to make representations to the Government in this connection.

(Source: Campaign Against Anti-Semitism)

14 Responses

  1. Does anyone remember the Stars of David that Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany? Could that be the target of Twitter’s rule. Is it possible that Twitter’s enforcers did not understand the difference between the yellow stars required by Nazis and the others, used voluntarily by Jews?

    And what’s this thing “Jewish pride”? Hashem made me a Jew, it’s nothing I accomplished.

  2. Does anyone remember the Stars of David that Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany? Could that be the target of Twitter’s rule. Is it possible that Twitter’s enforcers did not understand the difference between the yellow stars required by Nazis and the others, used voluntarily by Jews?

    And what’s this thing “Jewish pride”? Hashem made me a Jew, it’s nothing I accomplished. Observing Hashem’s mitzvahs, that’s something I accomplished and I can be proud of, if I were into pride.

  3. I don’t know much about social media but is it not possible to make a “Jewish Twitter” and then let everyone who uses twitter move across to that one?

  4. Instead of being upset with Twitter, why aren’t we more concerned that Hashem is ANGRY at all who use social media? Hanvin Yuvin!

  5. Instead of being angry at Twitter and “demanding” let’s try to boycott them make a real difference. Publicize their actions in other platforms. Make a live protest with picket signs. Find alternatives to Twitter and get tech giants to create one if it doesn’t yet exist. Don’t forgive them…this is a biased, political, crooked company.

  6. Jewish people deserve this because they keep on voting in anti G-d Democrats and Fascists that support this kind if discrimination. Will Nancy Pelosi or AOC demand Twitter reverse its policy? I think not. President Trump might, yet Jews support Democrats over 60%. You lie with dogs, you get fleas.

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